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我去古根海姆博物馆也是这种感觉。And I felt that when I went to the Guggenheim too.

在国庆期间,我们去了古根海博物馆。We went to Guggenheim Museum during the National Day.

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在2008年,Herzing博士被授予了古根海姆研究津贴。In 2008, Dr. Herzing was awarded a Guggenheim fellowship.

尽管现在康定斯基所有的作品都在古根海姆博物馆,Although right now all the Kandinskys are at the Guggenheim

那位是本杰明·古根汉姆和他的情妇,阿伯特夫人。And , that's Benjamin Guggenheim and his mistress, Madame Aubert.

莱特把古根海姆看作是“永不断裂的连绵曲线”。Wright envisaged the Guggenheim as “a curving wave that never breaks.”

古根海姆蓬皮杜,相信我说的是真的,将一帆风顺。The Guggenheim and the Pompidou , believe you me, will be run smoothly.

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法兰克·盖里在阿布扎比设计的古根海姆博物馆。This is Frank O. Gehry proposal for the Guggenheim Museum in Abu Dhabi.

美国巨头如赫斯特,古根海姆基金会和洛克菲勒都在那里有大量投资。US magnates such as Hearst, Guggenheim and Rockefeller had big investments there.

盖瑞被请来重现他在西班牙毕尔包古根汉立下的伟业。For the Guggenheim Mr. Gehry was enlisted to replicate his success in Bilbao, Spain.

你去过古根海姆博物馆吗?那儿的画怎么样?Have you ever been to the Guggenheim Museum? What do you think of the paintings there?

1986年,古根海姆博物馆获得了美国建筑师协会25年奖的殊荣。In 1986, the Guggenheim Museum won the American Institute of Architects 25 Year Award.

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和巴黎蓬皮杜艺术中心正考虑在中国开设分支机构。Guggenheim Museum and the Pompidou Center in Paris are considering opening branches in China.

1959年,古根海姆博物馆开张的那会儿,第五大道可以双向通车。In 1959, when the Guggenheim Museum opened, traffic on Fifth Avenue moved in both directions.

扎哈哈迪德的未来设计匹配的文化目标的新的冬宫古根海姆维尔纽斯项目。Zaha Hadid's futuristic designs match the cultural aims of the new Hermitage Guggenheim Vilnius Project.

在二千九德博拉艾森伯格赢得了她的工作麦克阿瑟奖学金和古根海姆奖学金。In two thousand nine Deborah Eisenberg won a MacArthur Fellowship and a Guggenheim Fellowship for her work.

在1936年,赫斯特得到古根汉姆基金会的一项奖金,借此她来到了牙买加和海地。In nineteen thirty-six, Hurston traveled to Jamaica and Haiti with a financial award from the Guggenheim Foundation.

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以毕尔巴鄂古根汉姆博物馆为例对这一建筑现象作进一步的分析。Taking Guggenheim Museum of Bilbao for example, the report approaches further about these architectural appearances.

但是,作为国际建筑的偶像,悉尼歌剧院将名垂青史,因为它是开路先锋。But it will outlive the Guggenheim as an international architectural icon because it did all the difficult work first.

迪拜将要建设的古根海姆博物馆将是一个比纽约已有的古根海姆博物馆更加精细和更富有试验主义特征的建筑。Bbu Dhabi's Guggenheim would be an even more elaborate and experimental construction than the Guggenheim in New York Dity.