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孩子们是无法理解的And our kid failed.

你是个倔孩子。You're a tough kid.

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我真的想要一个小孩。I really want a kid.

这小子还击了。The kid fought back.

他是一个聪明的孩子。He was one smart kid.

我给你洗澡吧,小伙子。Let me bathe you, kid.

多可怜的孩子呀!What a poor kid he is!

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我训练还在坐便盆。I potty-trained my kid.

你毕竟只能当一次小孩。You're a kid only once.

说道,“你真是个好孩子。You're such a good kid.

皒昰一个在夏天魡孩孖。I'm a kid in the summer.

我让小伙坐到了一张长凳上。I got the kid to a bench.

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那孩子立刻泣不成声。The kid burst into tears.

但是每个小孩都是不同的。But each kid is different.

你这小孩子怎么会来的?How can you kid come here!

这小子把一切事情都弄糟了。The kid duffed everything.

我爱罗作为一个孤独的孩子看。Gaara looks lonely as a kid.

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我的孩子想一睹巨人的丰采。My kid wants to see a giant.

但这并不意味着马宏升是个坏孩子。Not that Sean was a bad kid.

查看九种应避免的食物。See nine kid foods to avoid.