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沙巴和沙捞越的自主权在哪里?Where is the Sabah and Sarawak autonomy?

砂拉越原住民音乐跟例外人,独特的绝配!Sarawak ethnic music and the Remnant, unique and perfect combination!

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发现马来西亚并不多,只有几个,砂劳越难道只有我一个?!?Malaysia just few of us, one from JB, and the only one in Sarawak is me?!

诗巫在砂拉越是一个与木材业的根源沿河镇。Sibu is a riverine town in Sarawak with its roots in the timber industry.

晋汉省华青团向砂拉越州元首与夫人阁下贺节。Posing a picture with TYT the Head of State of Sarawak and His Excellency 's Wife.

东马来西亚的加里曼丹沙越并无明显理由有攻击新加坡的野心。East Malaysia Kalimantan Sarawak has not ambitions to attack Sg for obvious reasons!

你认为首相会提前举行全国大选并和砂拉越州选举同步举行吗?。Do you think next Malaysian General Election will together with next Sarawak State Election?

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显然地不存在于在沙巴岛的砂劳越与出现可能由于相当晚引入。Apparently absent in Sarawak and presence in Sabah may be due to relatively late introductions.

在这一过程中,力拓也在扮演积极角色,计划在马来西亚的沙捞越和阿联酋的阿布扎比建设冶炼厂。Rio Tinto is already playing an active role in this process with proposed smelters in Sarawak and Abu Dhabi.

2011年的计划是采用精准的激光装置测量世界上最大的洞室——萨拉瓦卡洞室。Plans for 2011 include taking precise laser measurements of Sarawak Chamber, the world's largest cave chamber.

严选自马来西亚砂拉越的天然动洞燕窝,稀少珍贵,质地纯净无污染。Made from natural bird nests from the limestone caves in Sarawak which is very precious, pure and non-polluted.

在2003年,我发现了在沙捞越密林小河中的水生植物的种类。In between 2003 to 2005, I found more & more species of Cryptocoryne in the jungle streams or rivers of Sarawak.

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泗岩沫国会议员林立迎于十一月三日的国会中询问有关沙巴和砂捞越州自主权的问题。The question of autonomy in Sabah and Sarawak was raised in Parliament on the 3rd of November 2010 by the Segambut MP Lim Lip Eng.

五个州组成马来西亚联邦。其中四个是马来亚、文莱、砂劳越和新加坡。第五个是谁?Five states were to comprise the Federation of Malaysia. Four of them were Malaya , Brunei, Sarawak and Singapore. Which was the fifth?

马来西亚沙劳越州古晋镇的摩托车骑士戴口罩抵挡霾害。Motorists wear masks to cover themselves from the haze in Malaysia's town of Kuching in the state of Sarawak on Borneo island October 3, 2006.

科学家在婆罗洲岛上的马来西亚砂劳越的一家国家公园发现一只只有豌豆大小的青蛙。Scientists have discovered a fog of the size of a pea called Microhyla nepenthicola in a national park in Malaysia's Sarawak state on Borneo island.

马来西亚,砂捞越,古晋的弟子杨惟钦提供了一个向药师佛十二大愿礼拜的仪轨。Disciple jui khin yeo of kuching sarawak malaysia came up with such a ritual for making prostration to the twelve great vows of medicine guru buddha.

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瑞尼斯.安帕提马上跑回村庄,大声警告同住在婆罗洲岛砂劳越州传统长屋的村民。Renjis Empati immediately ran back to the village where he screamed to alert the others living in a traditional longhouse in Sarawak state on Borneo island.

我不会抬举砂拉越峇当艾补选成绩,除了说砂拉越甚么都可以发生,以及政府不能持久严密监视。I will not dignify the Sarawak by-election with my comment except to say that in Sarawak anything goes, and the government cannot stand up to close scrutiny.

此外,如果我们的邻国沙捞越州政府可以使所有的城市,镇,村庄和河流比沙巴州更加干净,为什么我们沙巴州政府不能?If our neighboring Sarawak state government can make all cities, town, villages and river comparatively cleaner than Sabah, why can't our Sabah state government?