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之后他高烧不退,没过多久就去世了。Carnarvon suffered a high fever and died soon after.

海克利尔城堡现在的主人是乔治的长孙及其妻子,即第八代卡纳文伯爵以及他的夫人。The current occupiers are George's great grandson and his wife, the 8th Earl and Countess of Carnarvon.

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图坦卡蒙墓被正式挖开后不到两周,卡那封勋爵的脸就被蚊子叮了一口。Less than two weeks after the tomb's official opening, Lord Carnarvon was bitten on the cheek by a mosquito.

然而,卡那封勋爵事件的调查专家都认为墓室中的有毒物质和他的死并无关系。But experts who have examined the case of Lord Carnarvon believe that tomb toxins played no role in his death.

神秘传说中说道这诅咒杀死了赞助者加拿苏勋爵与探险队的其他认员。The myth is that a curse laid by Tutankhamun killed sponsor Lord Carnarvon and other members of the expedition.

1941年11月19日,悉尼号离港三天,在西澳大利亚卡那封西南方大约240海里的地方。On November 19, 1941, the Sydney was three days from port, about 240km south-west of Carnarvon in Western Australia.

然而,卡那封勋爵事件的调查专家都认为墓室中的有毒物质和他的死并无关系。Tut's Tomb But experts who have examined the case of Lord Carnarvon believe that tomb toxins played no role in his death.

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北卡那封盆地是澳大利亚最主要的产油气盆地,也是世界上主要的富气盆地之一。The North Carnarvon Basin is the premier oil and gas producing basin in Australia and one of the world-class gas-rich basins.

事实上,加拿芬死于血液中毒,而在坟墓打开时在场的26人中,只有6人在十年内死亡。In reality, Carnarvon died of blood poisoning and only six of the 26 people present when the tomb was opened died within a decade.

他从卡那翁勋爵那儿得到钱。卡那翁勋爵是个对埃及非常感兴趣的英国人。The pop star is not known us. asforto10. He had received money from Lord Carnarvon , a British man who was very interested in Egypt.

图坦卡蒙璀璨的宝藏成了新闻头条——同样,探险队赞助者加拿芬随后死亡的耸人听闻的报道也成了头条。Tut's glittering treasures made great headlines—and so did sensationalistic accounts of the subsequent death of expedition sponsor Lord Carnarvon.

同样的,证据显示在1926年从卡尔那冯伯爵私人藏品入藏大都会博物馆的物件,并不来自图坦卡门之墓,埃及当局如此声明。Likewise, evidence indicates that objects that entered the Met from the private collection of Lord Carnarvon in 1926 do not belong to King Tut’s tomb, the Egyptian authorities stated.

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密封的坟墓中有对于几千年后打开坟墓的人——尤其是像加拿芬那样免疫系统虚弱的人来说是危险的甚至致命的病原体吗?Could sealed tombs house pathogens that can be dangerous or even deadly to those who open them after thousands of years—especially people like Lord Carnarvon with weakened immune systems?