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全所见即所得模式-你看到的是什么你。Full WYSIWYG mode – What You See Is What You Get.

为什么,在我年轻时,我们没有优秀的所见即所得编辑器。Why, when I was just a lad, we didn't have fancy WYSIWYG editors.

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所见即所得编辑的动画效果。WYSIWYG editing of animation effects. Tested on Win7 and works as intended.

内容用简单的“所见即所得”编辑器处理,任何人都能使用。Content is handled with a simple WYSIWYG editor that makes editing accessible to anyone.

拖动和放下,所见即所得的工作空间让你轻松添加和自定义表单元素。The drag-and-drop, WYSIWYG workspace lets you add and customize form elements with ease.

我们服务器上跑着一个“所见即所得”的在线商店编辑器,用起来却和桌面应用没啥差别。We had a wysiwyg online store builder that ran on the server and yet felt like a desktop application.

用户在打印之前可以在屏幕上以所见即所得的方式完成这些操作。The user can do all these manipulations on screen, in" wysiwyg" fashion, before printing out hardcopy.

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文本以所见即所得格式显示,这样,就可以容易地看出格式是否正确地得到应用。Text is displayed in WYSIWYG format so you can easily see whether formatting has been applied correctly.

对于当时正为打印应用程序生成的WYSIWYG文档而困扰的人们来说,这是革命性的创造。For anyone who had to deal with printing WYSIWYG documents generated by an application back then, this was a revolution.

有点讽刺的是,大部分所见即所得编辑器的最好的特性是它们允许你直接在文本编辑器中编辑HTML。Ironically, the best feature of most WYSIWYG editors is that they allow you to edit your HTML directly in a text editor.

当今绝大多数嵌入浏览器的所见即所得编辑器都走第三条路线。Most current in-browser WYSIWYG editors use the third option. Most current in-browser WYSIWYG editors use the third option.

开源网页文本编辑器源码,FCKeditor是一个专门使用在网页上属于开放源代码的所见即所得文字编辑器。Open source web page source code text editor, FCKeditor is a specialized use of the web is an open source WYSIWYG text editor.

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第一批主要应用表格布局的“所见即所得”网页设计软件的发展助长了表格的应用。The development of the first WYSIWYG web design applications, all of which used table-based layouts, increased the use of tables.

我想有类似的标签上的页面中间的,我希望能够改变在每个标签的所见即所得的HTML形式。I'd like to have tabs similar to those on the middle of the page and I want to be able to change the HTML with a WYSIWYG form under each tab.

看来应该要有一个博客写作软件,可以做文字处理,具备所见即所得的功能的专门为博客写作的软件。Here comes the need for a blog writer, an application which lets you do the word processing, with WYSIWYG feature, but specialized for blog writing.

随著饲料所见即所得编辑器,该程序有一个内置在RSS阅读器,一个博客客户端,一个方便的HTML编辑器和工具,通过FTP上传和编辑图像。Along with the WYSIWYG feed editor, the program has a built-in RSS reader, a blog client, a convenient HTML editor and tools for uploading via FTP and editing images.

色彩管理对于液晶显示器是十分重要的,唯有针对每台出厂的液晶显示器一一校正,其达成线性色彩特性,才可符合色彩管理中所见即所得的目标。LCD device needs color management. Before LCD is shipped from manufacturer, they should be calibrated to achieve linear color property to confirm WYSIWYG of color management standard.

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头版的WYSIWYG工具是网页制作的语言,你可以很容易选择你网页的页面,选择合适的HTML标记将自动插入的代码。FrontPage is a WYSIWYG tool for creating web pages and you can easily choose the language of your web page in options of the page and appropriate HTML tags would be automatically inserted in the code.