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马来西亚诗巴丹岛梭鱼点。Barracuda Point, Sipadan, Malaysia.

所以我们决定把那些梭鱼扔了。So we decided to throw the barracuda out.

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在这里你可能也会看到梭鱼,甚至鲨鱼呢!Here you might also see barracuda or even sharks!

我在床上无法入眠,幻想着海中的石斑鱼和梭鱼。I can not sleep in bed, imagine the sea grouper and barracuda.

渔夫把网撒到海里,捕到了一条小梭鱼。The fisherman casts the net into the sea and catches a litter barracuda.

摄影师在14米的深处等了40分钟,才看到一群梭鱼。I waited about 40 minutes at a depth of 14 meters to see a school of barracuda.

根据这儿写的情况,可能是你的邮件里有病毒。In some rare cases, your recipient's Barracuda Spam Firewall may be misconfigured.

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他看见了珊珊,珊珊一动不动,眼睛紧顶着海水中一条饥饿的梭子鱼。He spotted Coral, who was motionless, staring into the water at a hungry barracuda.

当然,从我自己的切身体验,这是一个容易得多,相信梭子。Certainly, from my own personal experience, it is a lot easier to believe Barracuda.

其中有定期捕获石斑鱼,刺鲅,黑客鱼,梭鱼和偶尔巨大的旗鱼。Among the regular catch there are grouper, wahoo, hack fish, barracuda and an occasional huge sailfish.

我看到巨大的火球从攻击的船中发射了出来,在几分钟内就完全吞噬了银色梭鱼号。I saw huge fireballs being cast from the attacker's ship, totally engulfing the Barracuda within minutes.

在巴布亚新几内亚的新汉诺威岛外的俾斯麦海,一群梭子鱼正围着一个自然学家游弋。A school of barracuda surrounds a naturalist in the Bismarck Sea off New Hanover island, Papua New Guinea.

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这就是为何一群学生和教职员工会清理佛罗里达州约翰·U·罗伊德州立公园外的梭鱼礁。That's how a group of students and staff end up cleaning Barracuda Reef off John U. Lloyd State Park, Florida.

她们摇的小船飞快。小船活像开了水皮的一条打跳的梭鱼。They shave the ship, as fast as a bat out of hell, and as vitally as the barracuda jumps into and out the water.

今天蓝洞是著名的海绵动物,梭鱼类,珊瑚,神仙鱼――和一群鲨鱼经常看见巡逻在洞的边缘。Today the Blue Hole is famed for its sponges, barracuda , corals, angelfish—and a school of sharks often seen patrolling the hole's edge.

住在小屋里就像你待在金鱼缸里一样,静静地坐着,你可以看到神仙鱼、鹦嘴鱼、梭鱼和鲷鱼透过窗户偷窥你哦。the lodge is like a goldfish bowl in reverse, where you sit and watch angelfish, parrotfish, barracuda and snapperspeering in at you through the window.

一条孤单的梭子鱼巴结着一群蓝尾独角鱼,这些鱼几百条的聚集在一起,随着水流在碎落的暗礁边缘徘徊。A lone barracuda insinuates itself into a school of bluetail unicornfish. these fish congregate by the hundreds following current sat the edge of reef drop-offs.

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梭子鱼的费尔雷是一位英国舰载鱼雷和俯冲轰炸机在第二次世界大战期间使用,第一种是完全由金属制成。The Fairey Barracuda was a British carrier-borne torpedo- and dive bomber used during the Second World War, the first of its type to be fabricated entirely from metal.

但是她的外号“梭鱼萨拉”主要还是源自她在瓦西拉高中篮球队中表现出来的积极好斗的性格。But it was her performance on the Wasilla High School basketball team that earned her the nickname "Sarah Barracuda"— supposedly because of her fiercely competitive nature.

当我逐渐适应了浮力,盘旋下潜到水面以下15英尺以后,就看见成群结队的黄色小石斑鱼为了躲避梭鱼而藏在潜水船下方。As I gradually master my buoyancy and hover 15 feet below the surface, I can see schools of small yellow groupers beneath the dive boat giving wide berth to a blade of a barracuda.