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是你还是我,能令我伤悲?Or I, who makes me sad? The acolyte.

就这样,我们最有前途的助手离开了我们。And so our most promising acolyte left us.

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对于儿童的合唱团你常常会发现有多个教会合唱团的助手长袍。For a children's choral group you often find acolyte robes.

陈二奶奶和“童儿”已经偷偷的溜了。Grandmother Chen and the " acolyte " had already stolen away.

游戏最低难度会非常容易,不过仍旧很好玩。Path of the Acolyte will be very easy, but still be enjoyable.

阴影是侍僧在牺牲祭坛牺牲后变成的。Shade is created by sacrificing an Acolyte with the Sacrificial Pit.

过程是这样一种魔法,不能被留给一个侍僧或成像新门徒。The process is the kind of magic that can't be left to an acolyte or imaging neophyte.

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对于美国最著名的自由言论者,安兰德的助手,那不仅仅是困难。For America's most famous libertarian, an Ayn Rand acolyte , that is more than troubling.

当然也有人说,他是旧政权的支持者,埃及的问题就出在他身上。Others say of course that he is an acolyte of the old regime, he's exactly what is wrong with Egypt now.

一天深夜,贝尔正在实验室里做实验,他向在隔壁房间里的助手偶然传递的一个口信获得了成功。He was experimenting in his laboratory late one period, and very by event he succeeded in transmitting a information to his acolyte in the next room. What Mr.

只有一个木筏,乃木居士掌舵,灰侍者撑篙,不受金银之谢,但遇有缘者渡之。Nothing but a wooden raft steered by Master Wood and punted by Acolyte Ashes, who accept no payment in silver or gold but ferry over those who are fated to cross.

在邓七十六年的职业生涯中,有一半时间在党内作为毛的助手,并且同那位主人一样,在某些方面他也同样对于人的生命漠不关心。Deng spent the first half of his 76-year career in the party as a Mao acolyte -- and he followed his master in the somewhat cavalier disregard with which he held human life.