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室内运动会。Indoor Olympics.

一个街舞博物馆,街舞的发源地是布朗克斯,还是一个室内游乐园?An indoor amusement park?

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乒乓球是室内运动。Table-tennis is an indoor game.

你喜欢室内运动吗?Are you interested in indoor sports?

我也喜欢体操——还有其他的室内运动。I like it too – and the other indoor

产品适用于户内和户外短期。Indoor use and shortterm outdoor use.

阿嬷给圆圆的溜滑梯放在家里她很喜欢!An indoor slide form Grandma she loves!

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它既是室内运动也是户外运动。It is both an indoor and outdoor sport.

该作品是为某部电影搭建的一个内景。There are some indoor scenes of a film.

你通常在哪进行室内运动?Where do you often play indoor sports ?

你喜欢户外运动还是室内运动呢?Do you like outside games or indoor game?

我也喜欢体操——还有其他的室内运动。I like it too –and the other indoor sports.

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你说的没错,那室内运动呢?You' re right, but what about indoor games?

在室内体育馆里为学生增建健身室。A gymnasium was added to the indoor stadium.

健身房一个用来进行室内运动的房间或建筑。A room or building equipped for indoor sports.

我喜欢体操和其他的一些室内运动。I like gymnastics and the other indoor sports.

室内的环境的真菌学的方面。Mycological aspects of the indoor environment.

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家庭使用固体燃料产生的室内烟雾。indoor smoke from household use of solid fuels.

我通常在体育中心进行室内运动。I often play indoor sports in the sports centre.

国际业余田联世界室内田径锦标赛。IAAF World Indoor Track and Field Championships.