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昨晚那五人举行了降神会。Five people held a seance last eve.

有时晚上我就参加女孩子们转桌子降神的游戏。Some evenings I would join the girls in a table-turning seance.

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你期望我相信我们游戏里的请神会唤醒了她邪恶的亡灵?You expect me to believe we conjured up her evil spirit with a game seance ?

在降神会期间里,灵媒表演把人们从其他的世界带回。During a seance the medium was offering to bring people back from the other world.

我们告诉了你,在降神会大卫将会指出脱离黑暗进入光的方法。We told you in seance that David would lead the way out of the darkness into the light.

只有一样东西可能会打断这些宁静和休闲的集会。There was only one thing on the island that might interrupt the séance of serenity and relaxation.

每年农历六月十五日至十七日,是一年一度的黄龙庙会。The annual Huanglong Temple Seance is held in June 15-17 every year according to the Chinese lunar calendar.

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她发自内心地传达了Myra不安定的情绪和痴迷,尤其是在迎神会的场景。Where the role allows her to, she viscerally conveys Myra’s instability and obsession, especially during the séance scenes.

沃尔特还讲述了许多不可意思的故事包括玛丽·林肯召开降灵会招回他死去儿子的灵魂。Other stories of the supernatural related by Walters included a seance by Mary Lincoln to recall the spirit of their dead son.

我们怎么解释通灵的那个人,好像真的知道,只有你死去的叔叔才知道的故事How do we explain the fact that the person who's conducting the seance knows things about, your history that only your dead uncle would know?

我们怎么解释通灵的那个人,好像真的知道,只有你死去的叔叔才知道的故事How do we explain the fact that the person who's conducting the seance knows things about, your history that only your dead uncle would know?"

比如说,有一个魔术师,问题不在于,我能否给你解释通灵任何,做到这些惊人事情的So, for example, there's a magician-- The question is not, could I explain to you how the seance manages to do the amazing things that it does?

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另一张照片将采取的客户端在会议期间,暴露到相同的板,使图像显示了明显的相对访问期间,他们的降神会的精神。Another picture would be taken of the client during the session and exposed on to the same plate, giving an image apparently showing the spirit of their relative visiting them during the seance.