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成为先发者自有其优势所在。Being the first mover has its advantages.

将发电机与原动机脱开。Disconnect the generator from the prime mover.

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是否真的存在先驰得点的优势呢?。Does there truly exist a first mover advantage?

原动机可能是燃气往复式发动机。The prime mover may be a gas reciprocating engine.

跳肚皮舞的姑娘风骚地在桌子之间移动着。the belly dancer mover sensually among the tables.

黄金是大市场的交易时段先行者。Gold was the big market mover for the trading session.

我们发现他是匹好马,跑起来风驰电掣。We found him a nice horse — a good mover who could gallop.

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今天他是中国最有声望的智库中主要的活动家。Today he is the prime mover in China's most prestigious think tank.

杜根先生说,瑞士信贷银行将有一个“先发优势”。Mr Dougan says that Credit Suisse will have a “first mover advantage”.

然而做为先驱者,也存在着很大的困难和风险。Yet there are significant difficulties and risks in being a first mover.

牵引有二爪、三爪、四爪、六爪等牵引方式。The prime mover has the traction modes such as to claw, three-claw and so on.

它为学生提供了一次,重新自我评估的机会。It gives the students an opportunity to do wash-away mover and self-assessment.

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所以,我们有一种先下手为强的优势,意味着我们还没有竞争者。So we have the first mover advantage, which means we do not have any competition.

发电机可与原动机直接联结或用三角皮带联接。The generator and prime mover can directly connection and connect with cone belt.

古海龟是个慢性子,它的大多数食物都漂动在海平面附近。Archelon was a slow mover and found most of its food drifting near the sea surface.

先发制人,搜索引擎和连接者都会奖赏你。Take advantage of being a first mover. The search engines, and linkers , will reward you.

MoVer也可以从中央位置管理整个无线电系统网络。MoVer also is designed to manage an entire network of radio systems from a central location.

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通过外加的原动机或拖拉机,整个车身就可以在路上自已行走了。So car body can be moved by its own by adding a prime mover or tractor to it to travel on road.

后损失的电子控制信号,标准的银杏叶提取物的调整,以事业的原动机关机。Upon loss of electronic control signal, the standard EGB is adjusted to cause prime mover shutdown.

在我的世界里,终极先进者还要数史蒂夫•普雷枫丹,他是我心目中的英雄之一。In my little corner of the universe, the ultimate first mover was Steve Prefontaine, one of my heroes.