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我将帮助这只蚂蚁。I will help the ant.

这是蚂蚁洞。This is an ant hole.

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这是蚂蚁窝。This is the ant nest.

我是一只小小的蚂蚁。I am a little , little ant.

我摔倒在蚂蚁窝上。I fell back in the ant pile.

想像自己是一只蚂蚁。Imagine yourself to be an ant.

它是只蚂蚁,蚂蚁的颜色是黑的。It is an ant. The ant is black.

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关于澳大利亚牛头犬蚁On the bulldog ant of Australia

他把桌上的蚂蚁弹掉。He flicked an ant off the table.

我在岩石下找到了一只蚂蚁。I found an ant beneath the rock.

不要做蚂蚱,做蚂蚁。Don’t be a grasshopper. Be an ant.

她和蚂蚁成了好朋友。She made good friends with the ant.

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工蚁正在清理刚出生的小蚂蚁。A worker is cleaning a new-born ant.

寒冷的日子快来了。"Cold days are coming,"said the ant.

过冬的蚂蚁颤抖着翅膀The quivering wings of the winter ant

蚂蚁比健美运动员更强壮吗?Is an ant stronger than a bodybuilder?

我非常喜欢这只萝卜做的红蚂蚁。I particularly like this radish red ant.

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蚂蚁在热锅上躁动不安。The ant becomes restless on the hot pot.

使用常春藤一个Ant任务结束杀。Using ivy for one ANT task is over-kill.

这台发热器要价多少?。How much cabbage you ant for this heater?