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我们没有生态危机,然而在生物圈却有人类危机。We do not have an ecological crisis. the ecosphere has a human crisis.

人类对生态系统的攻击已经引发其反击。The human attack on the ecosphere has instigated an ecological counterattack.

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真正的世界——不同于所有的理解——是一个完整的,充满了各种绝妙创造物的生物圈。It is — beyond all understanding—an integrated ecosphere of marvelous creativity.

你可以通过邮购买到一个生态球,就好像买到一个盖亚或者是生命涌现中的一种实验。You can buy an Ecosphere by mail order. It's like buying a Gaia or an experiment in emergent life.

发达国家的金融生态圈因其良好的系统循环关系值得我们思考和借鉴。Due to the favorable circularity, the financial ecosphere in developed countries can be used for reference for China.

我国目前的金融生态圈存在系统性缺陷,金融种类不符合现代金融良性循环的要求。Currently, China's financial ecosphere has systematic defaults and can not meet the need of modern financial development.

森林是陆地生态系统的主体,在维持地球生物圈的生态平衡中具有不可替代的重要作用。As the major component part of the terrestrial ecosystem, forest plays an irreplaceable role in sustaining ecological balance for ecosphere of Earth.

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他们还能随时让你了解当前新闻和热点事件,以及能让人们有计划地访问网站的信息氛围。They can also keep you in the loop about what the hot issues are in the news and the information ecosphere that might get people to your site organically.

在高等教育生态圈里,新建地方本科院校为了求得可持续发展,需要“求之于势”。The newly-built local universities and colleges need to be strategically situated in order to obtain sustainable development in the ecosphere of higher education.

你们的生物圈在强烈的反抗着,地球母亲需要你们离开地球表面,去到地球内部的5D次元的美丽新家。Your ecosphere is strongly rebelling, and Mother Earth requires that you depart her surface soon to get cracking your new homes in the beauteous 5-D world that is Inner Earth.

金融生态圈与金融生态环境不应被混淆,前者能更深刻地揭示和刻画金融体系中各构成部分之间彼此依存、互为前提的关系。Financial ecosphere should not be confused with financial eco-environment. The former can reveal and portray the interdependence and mutual prerequisite among all constitutions in financial system.