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他是冰岛人。He is an Icelander.

冰岛人烧了偶们的钱,又把灰给吹了回来。The icelander burned our cash, and blew the ash to us.

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冰岛人烧了我们的钱,又把灰给吹了回来。The Icelander burned our cash , and blow the ash to us.

出生于1967年,数十人,现在生活和工作在柏林。Born in 1967, the Icelander now lives and works in Berlin.

一个挪威人、一个法罗人和一个冰岛人就要被处死。A Norwegian, a Faroese and an Icelander are about to be executed.

作为一名冰岛人,那讨厌的对象一定是丹麦人了,他们通常都是斯堪的纳维亚半岛上“古怪”的家伙。As an Icelander it has to be the Danes who are, generally, the "weird" dudes of Scandinavia.

冰岛人很可能接受帕度以英格兰球员为核心的模式。The Icelander is highly receptive to Pardew's vision of retaining an English core at his club.

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冰岛人请求可以用老式文体撰写一篇叙事诗,内容是他受到的残忍待遇和冰岛是多么伟大。The Icelander asks to be allowed to compose an epic poem in the old style about how cruelly he is being treated and about how great Iceland is.

这名29岁的前切尔西球星自从去年夏天来到诺坎普后一直不能适应。现在这名冰岛前锋跟曼联联系到了一起。The 29-year-old former Chelsea star has struggled after an £8m move to the Nou Camp last summer and the Icelander has now been linked with United.

冰岛人已经错过了苏格兰拉练,而一线队将于八月五日起进行三场在亚洲训练赛,他也无法与队伍进行磨合。The Icelander missed the pre-season trip to Scotland and he has not yet recovered enough to link-up with the first-team squad, who face three games in Asia beginning on August 5.

他在金融市场投机了几乎两年,直到2008年10月的大崩溃,他与所有其他那些称呼他为“商人”的冰岛人一起被洗劫一空。He speculated in the financial markets for nearly two years, until the great bloodbath of October 2008, when he was sacked, along with every other Icelander who called himself a “trader.”