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经济学家、教育家。Tao Dayong, economist and educationalist.

姜传宗教授是一名建筑教育家和一级注册建筑师。Professor Chuanzong Jiang is an educationalist and 1 RA- PRC.

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孔子是我国春秋时期伟大的思想家、教育家。Confucius is great thinker and educationalist of China in times of Chunqiu.

钟敬文既是著名的民间文艺学家和民俗学家,又是资深的教育家。Zhong Jingwen is both a famous folklore specialist and qualified educationalist.

韩德培教授是我国著名的法学家、教育家和社会活动家。Mr. HAN Depei is a famous Jurist, educationalist and social practitioner of China.

他是古希腊游吟诗人、哲学家和教育家。He is an ancient Greek poet of excursion poems, a philosopher and an educationalist.

一个大学校长需要具有多方面的素养,但他们必须是教育家。A university president needs many kinds of accomplishment, but he must be an educationalist.

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钟敬文既是著名的民间文艺学家和民俗学家,又是资深的教育家。Zhong Jingwen is both a famous folklore specialist and a senior and qualified educationalist.

作为一位教育工作者,我觉得那类书籍的作者真该惭愧得无地自容。As an educationalist , I felt that the authors of such books should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves.

令人可喜的是,各国的一些教育家、学者和教师对这一现象进行了许多研究。Fortunately, there are some educationalist and scholar and teachers have started research to this phenomenon.

教育学者杨东平的研究显示,农村学生主要集中在普通地方院校与专科院校。Rural students mainly attend local colleges and junior colleges, a survey by educationalist Yang Dongping showed.

美国著名教育家孟禄是华美协进社的创始人和核心人物之一。Paul Monroe, the well-known American educationalist is one of the originator and key person of China Institute in America.

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苏霍姆林斯基,前苏联著名的教育家,其丰富的教育思想是全人类的一笔宝贵精神财富。The education theory of B·A·Cyxomjnhcknn, the famous educationalist of Soviet Union, is precious wealth of the whole wo'rld.

所以,我们的美术教师如果仅仅满足于“金口玉言”,最多就是一名优秀美术教师,绝对成不了教育家。So the arts teacher just appease the "valuable advice" who can do a excellence teacher, he or she can't been a educationalist.

本文从一种文化现象——即流派的角度为切入点,研究探讨了戏剧教育家王文显对清华学院戏剧形成与发展的影响。This paper mainly analyze from one cultural phenomenon, to discuss how an educationalist influences the development of a school.

张中行先生是我国现当代著名学者、作家,又是著名的语文教育家。Mr. Zhang Zhongxing is our country now a generation of renowned scholar, the writer, is also the renowned language educationalist.

习斋先生是清朝初年名的思想家、教育家,在中国古代体育史上尤其具有独到的建树。Mr. Xizhai is a great ideologist and educationalist in the early Qing Dynasty, well known for his assumptions of physical education.

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服部宇之吉是日本近代著名教育家,日本新儒家的创始人之一。Hattori Unokichi was a Japanese educationalist of great fame in modern times, and one of the founders of the Japan's Neo-Confucianism School.

夏丏尊先生是我国现代著名的教育家、文学家,他在中等教育特别是中学语文教育领域有着卓越的成就。Xia Mianzun , a famous educationalist and writer in modern China , contributed a lot in secondary school education , especially Chinese teaching.

自我开始学琴的时候,我就知道您---这位世界著名的大钢琴家,教育家。I heard about you when I began to learn playing piano and got the information that you had been the famous master pianist and educationalist in the world.