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命运却嫉妒地隔断。But Fate so enviously debars

毫无疑问,很多小公司正在羡慕的看着他们。No doubt many smaller companies look enviously upon them.

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我们因羡慕而目瞪口呆的看着那些瑜伽练习者能将腿缠绕上去,触及他们自己的耳朵。We gape enviously at yogis wrapping their legs around their ears.

他们总是用很艳羡的目光看着电子邮件自动地“推”向我。They enviously watched as emails were “pushed” to me automatically.

每一年我们羡慕地盯着世界上最有钱的人名单。Every year we gaze enviously at the lists of the richest people in world.

我们这堆女人经常要嫉妒地问她,为什么皮肤那么好?We this caboodle woman often should ask her enviously , why is the skin so good?

刚到时﹐看着罗杰加入那些哥哥姐姐们玩水﹐我只有羡慕的份儿。When we first arrived, I watched enviously as Roger joined the older boys and girls.

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但我们不会,事实上,歌手蔡健雅也只是带着一丁点忌妒向我们抱怨了几句。But we don't, in fact, as fellowsinger and bud Tanya Chua has told us a tad enviously.

这家受人尊敬的投行的盈利能力与风险承受能力让银行老板们羡慕不已。Bank bosses peered enviously at the profits and risk-taking prowess of the venerable investment bank.

许多其他国家都羡慕以色列的经济增长,但是这里的人民感到财富没有被共享。Many other countries look enviously at Israel's growing economy, but people here feel the wealth has not been shared.

在这些种情况下,IMF的腰包虽然之前看来还深得令人羡慕,但可能也不够深了。Under these circumstances, the IMF’s pockets, which seemed enviously deep just a short while ago, might not be deep enough.

当她穿着她那身整出戏从头穿到尾的简单行头出场时,剧组的其他演员都妒忌地看着她。The other members of the cast looked at her enviously as she came out arrayed in her simple habit, which she wore all through the play.

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美国科学家和商人有点嫉妒意味的指出,宗教和道义上的考量似乎并没有妨碍印度的生物学家们。American scientists and businessmen note enviously that religious and moral considerations do not seem to inhibit Indian biotechnologists.

伊朗西部的库尔德人中大部分是逊尼派,他们对于边境彼端伊拉克库尔德的兄弟们所享有的自主权觊觎已久。In the west Iran's Kurds, most of whom are Sunni, look enviously across the border at the autonomy enjoyed by their Iraqi Kurdish cousins.

从长远的角度来看,这样的工作会对商业的发展十分有利。So some on the side of the more demanding, tech-reliant digital divide are enviously eyeing Italy's less digitized, less demanding work practices.

我跟学生讲,有个同事特别羡慕我,希望自己的门上也有那样的黑色皮革。As I told the teaching fellows, I had a colleague in those days who looked at me enviously and said he wished he had the black leather concession at the door.

一些广播公司对有线频道羡慕不已,看到他们从广告商那里得到稳定的收入,已经开始慎重考虑是否应该彻底退出广播节目行业。Some broadcast networks look enviously at cable channels, with their steady streams of income from distributors, and ponder getting out of broadcast altogether.

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我知道,拉美国家和世界其他国家都羡慕中国的增长速度和工业化进程,希望学习中国的经验。I know that other countries in Latin America and throughout the world enviously look to China’s growth rate and her pace of industrialization and tried to learn from her experience.

雄孔雀很为自己漂亮的长尾巴感到骄傲,虽然被人驯养了很长时间,但只要看见穿着华丽的少年男女,都嫉妒地追上去,要琢碎他们的衣衫。Male peacocks are very proud of their beautiful tails. Although tamed for a long time, whenever they see young people wearing flowery clothes it will go up enviously and peck them to pieces.

“而且他还那么小,你可以偷偷地溜进去看他是否开始穿衣服了然后再帮他穿起来,”戴安娜妒忌的说,“杰克九岁了,你知道,他现在不想让我再那样做了。"And he's still so small you can creep in to find if he has kicked off the clothes and tuck him in again, " said Diana enviously. "Jack's nine, you know, and he doesn't want me to do that now.