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他实践生根于土壤的现实主义艺术。He practiced the art of earthbound realism.

靠土地吃饭的生活不需要杂货店。The earthbound life required no grocery stores.

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从地面天文学家的观点看来,土星的光环将以侧边缘相见。From the perspective of earthbound astronomers, Saturn's rings will be edge-on.

当然,泻湖星云也是地球上天文爱好者流行的观察目标。Of course, the Lagoon Nebula is a popular target for earthbound skygazers, too.

观赏雨燕令人愉悦,就像观看空中的海豚,然后遗憾自己只是地上的凡人。It was joyful, like watching dolphins in the air, and they surely pitied the earthbound.

一种方法就像是你目测地面上的物体的距离。One method works like the way your own eyes determine how far away earthbound objects are.

然而,科学家们很赞同这种能和太阳同样的聚变反应堆。Yet scientists hope to bring the power that emblazons the sun, fusion, to earthbound reactors.

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我们只能从受造物的角度来理解降临节期,因为我们只懂得属世的事。We think of Advent from the perspective of earthbound creatures who know nothing but this life.

而这恰恰相反恰恰相反再一次证明了莎士比亚和他的崇拜者们不信宗教,入世的本性。It would simply have been one more proof of the irreligious, earthbound nature of Shakespeare and his admirers.

在美国,没有比海岸星光列车的沿途有更丰富的景色了。To me this is the crux of earthbound magic, and in the US no train conjures it better than the Coast Starlight.

问题是,该国的投资者会不会满意全球市场较平淡的回报。The question is whether the country's investors will be content with more earthbound returns from global markets.

Earthbound的天文学家继续寻找其余的两个类别,美国宇航局乐观,他们会发现更多。Earthbound astronomers continue to look for the remaining ones in both categories, and NASA is optimistic they will find more.

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已经与地球纠葛了这么久时间使得你们已经获得了一种与地球母亲的强烈吸引力,这也是为何你们中的这么多人选择了继续伴随她。Having been earthbound for so long you have acquired a strong affinity with Mother Earth, which is why so many of you chosen to stay with her.

尽管我们都知道,地球引力不可战胜,但他们的每次跳跃和提举都表达了克服地球引力局限的希望。Though we know of gravity's inevitable victory, with every leap and lift, they express our secret hope to overcome our own earthbound limitations.

开普勒跟随地球围绕太阳运转,从理论上来讲它可以发现地面天文望远镜甚至于哈勃望远镜所不能发现的东西。It orbits the sun behind the Earth and in theory should be able to spot things that Earthbound telescopes and even the orbiting Hubble telescope cannot.

对地球上的天文爱好者而言,相较于过份活泼的木星,土星可说是个宁静、美丽、神秘的对比,飘浮在遥远寒冷的天际。To earthbound astronomy enthusiasts, Saturn was the serenely beautiful and mysterious counterpart to the overtly violent Jupiter, floating in a distant, frigid realm.

凯西再次说,梦中的联系是真实的,这表明,他的岳父多么需要他的祈祷,他岳父依然是一个没有脱离尘世束缚的灵魂。" Again Cayce said the dream contact had been authentic, showing the dreamer how much his prayers were needed for the father-in-law, who was still an "earthbound" discarnate.

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地球上的人每秒钟都承受着每平方英寸14.7磅力的气压,而太空服让宇航员所承受的气压只有4.3磅力。Earthbound humans have 14.7 pounds per square inch of air pressing on them every second of the day. Space suits only put about 4.3 pounds of pressure per square inch on the wearer.

牛顿观察物体往地上落,演绎出运动原则和引力原则,并将这些原则扩展到地球的运动和环绕太阳运转的行星的运动。Newton took the principles of motion and of gravitation as deduced from observations of earthbound objects and extended them to the motions of the earth and of the planets around the sun.

当然,泻湖星云也是深受地球星空爱好者们喜爱的一个天体,在小型望远镜的较宽视野中,就能看到它那明显的尘埃带和明亮的沙漏状外形。Of course, the Lagoon nebula is a popular target for earthbound skygazers, too. It features a prominent dust lane and bright hourglass shape in small telescopes with wider fields of view.