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我可以试着把它乘以。Maybe if I multiply by one.

现在两边同时乘以vNow, multiply both sides by v.

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乘以π,得到21。I multiply by pi and I get 21.5.

这很不错对不对?Multiply a by a to the b minus 1.

把它们乘起来的意义是什么?What does it mean to multiply them?

我们可以把任意两个相乘吗?Can we multiply anything by anything?

我站着的时候就算不清乘法了I can't multiply while I'm standing up.

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将图层混合模式设置为正片叠底。Set the layer blending mode to Multiply

五乘以二,乘积是十。Multiply five by two. The product is ten.

好,现在我们知道怎么把两个矩阵相乘了。OK, now we know how to multiply matrices.

这将增加我们成功的机会。This will multiply our chances of success.

你不能通过分解财富来使它翻倍。You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.

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友谊倍增欢乐,分担悲愁。Friendship multiply joys and divide griefs.

然后将英尺数字乘于0.43,然后再增加3磅。Multiply this number by 0.43 and add 3 lbs.

那么,两个矩阵乘起来是什么意思?So, what does it mean to multiply matrices?

友谊倍增欢乐,分担忧愁。Friendships multiply joys and divide griefs.

友谊倍增欢乐,分担悲愁。Friendships multiply joys and divide griefs.

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友谊使快乐成双,痛苦减半。Friengships multiply joys and divide griefs.

然后将英尺数字乘于0。43,然后再增加3磅。Multiply this number by 0. 43 and add 3 psi.

今天我么加倍重视自己的价值。Today I will multiply my value a hundredfold.