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她是一个有天赋的高尔夫球手.She is a gifted golfer.

他是出色的高尔夫球手。He is the meanest golfer.

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从前,有一个酷爱打高尔夫球的牧师。There was this preacher who was an avid golfer.

跳伞运动员和高尔夫球手的区别是什么呢?What's the difference between a skydiverand a golfer?

职业高尔夫球员通常胜过业余的。A professional golfer usually has it all over an amateur.

他甚至不清楚自己的高尔夫球杆该用左手型还是右手型。He’s not even sure if he’s a left-or right-handed golfer.

那个高尔夫球手去练习场练习他的转身动作。The golfer went to the driving range to practice his pivot.

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最近我跟着一位专业的高尔夫球手,上了我的第一节高尔夫球课。Recently I had my first golf lesson with a professional golfer.

按照TMZ的爆料,伍兹飞奔进他的车里,而他太太在后面追。According to TMZ's source, the golfer fled in his car with his wife chasing behind.

这些字符将作为每一个共鸣交融球员沮丧和乐趣。These characters will resonate with every golfer as frustration and fun intermingle.

15岁的时候,石川辽就成了日本高尔夫巡回赛最年轻的冠军。At 15, Ishikawa became the youngest golfer ever to win a tournament on the Japan Golf Tour.

打情骂俏让湖人球星科比布莱恩特和高尔夫球星老虎伍兹在代言上丢失了数以万计的钱财。Philandering cost Lakers star Kobe Bryant and golfer Tiger Woods millions in lost endorsements.

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关于这两种形式,我坚信后者对球手的影响更大。Of the two, I am convinced that the latter has far more effect on the play of the average golfer.

以准将身份退役后,贝尔与妻子一起生活在昌迪加尔,在那里他可是个狂热的高尔夫球手。After retiring as a brigadier, Behl lives with his wife in Chandigarh, where he is an avid golfer.

他现在作为一名专业高尔夫球手已10年了。我们希望他取得更好的成绩。Now he has been a professional golfer for about 10 years. We wish Tiger to achieve greater success.

但是这位高尔夫明星至少风光了一次,他在奥古斯塔国家高尔夫球场一杆进洞。But the golfer does have at least one memorable shot. He got a hole in one today at Augusta National.

近来卷入性丑闻的高尔夫名将老虎伍兹便因此失去了某些赞助协议。The recent sex scandal involving Tiger Woods caused the golfer to lose some of his sponsorship deals.

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这是媒体披露这位伟大高尔夫球手的背叛行为以来他首次的新闻发布会。On Feb. 19, the disgraced golfer gave his first press conference since news broke of his infidelities.

不过,聪明的球员谁使用的斜坡和正确的地方是他的球浩浩荡荡奖励。However, the intelligent golfer who uses the slopes and places his ball correctly is mightily rewarded.

如果这些问题你都是肯定回答的话,那么你正在成为一个成功球手的路上了。If you answered yes to all of these questions then great you're headed towards becoming a great golfer.