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它的升级版本是卡塔兰绞喉.This spiked version is known as the Catalan garrote.

绞喉是一个可以把人拧死的装置.The garrote is a device that strangles a person to death.

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毁伤,背刺,凿,伏击不再能被躲闪。Mutilate, Backstab, Garrote and Ambush can no longer be dodged.

历史上最后一次用绞喉执行死刑是在1977年10月的乔斯路易斯切维托.The last execution by garrote was José Luis Cerveto in October 1977.

此天赋被修改为一个全面强化搅喉的天赋。This is being changed as part of an overall improvement for Garrote.

绞喉,割裂和剔骨伤害增加,我们会逐步放出更详细的资料。Garrote rupture and eviscerate are being increased in damage. more details to come.

制服她就费劲了他的所有力气,后面就由绳索完成任务了。It had taken all his strength to keep her pinned down and let the garrote do its job.

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你捕捉敌人成为你的盾牌,同时你的双手间出现一个半透明的绞刑具。A translucent garrote forms between your hands as you snare a foe to use as your shield.

强化搅喉中的伤害降低被移除。此天赋被修改为一个全面强化搅喉的天赋。Improved Garrotes damage reduction will be removed. This is being changed as part of an overall improvement for Garrote.

暗杀的艺术,我们所看到的十多年,再次这类好莱坞电影,可能已经不合时宜了砷的杀害或以加罗特人。The art of assassination, the kind we have seen over and over again in Hollywood movies, may be as passé as killing people by arsenic or with a garrote.