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足球成为他们殉国之道。They turned soccer to martyrdom.

基督的道路就是殉难的道路。The path of Christ is the path of martyrdom.

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这是为成为烈士或胜利而战的时刻。It is the time for martyrdom or victory, ' he said.

他没有哈马斯喜欢搞的那种殉难视频。There was no martyrdom video of the kind favoured by Hamas.

他们的无能和任性折磨得我够受了。I have suffered a martyrdom from their incompetency and caprice.

雷耶斯蒙席说,圣李乐伦的殉道变成了信赖主的标记。Reyes said the saint’s martyrdom became a symbol of faith in God.

痛苦和折磨并非脆弱的象征和受难者的纪念品。Suffering and pain are neither signs of weakness nor trophies of martyrdom.

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他们已经很接近殉道了,所以他们就很接近上帝了。Well,they were very close to martyrdom so that makes them very close to God.

他通常被描绘成手持殉教中的器具——一把大锯的圣徒。He is often depicted holding the saw that was the instrument of his martyrdom.

你得到的将是畅饮为祂殉道的莫名欢乐之杯。Yours will be the ineffable joy of quaffing the cup of martyrdom for His sake.

殉难者有高尚的品德,一种腐蚀性的高尚。Martyrdom is sublimation, corrosive sublimation. It is a torture which consecrates.

那些被判刑要殉道,却没有殉道的人,人们会怎么对待他们?What do you do with people who are condemned to martyrdom but not actually martyred?

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十字苦路,对基督徒来说,是纪念基督圣死的.。The Way of the Cross, for Christians, commemorates the martyrdom and death of Christ.

据说这个节日是为纪念在公元249年殉道的一个古罗马牧师而设立的。The holiday is said to be named after a priest in Rome who suffered martyrdom about AD 269.

赛义夫。卡扎菲否认了哈米斯。卡扎菲牺牲的消息…Saif al-Islam Gaddafi denies the news of the martyrdom of struggling Khamis Muammar Gaddafi.

为殉道者的亲友代祷,求主成为他们的倚靠,赐予他们力量。Pray that those whose loved ones have died due to martyrdom will rely on God for their strength.

在这个时期的另一个发展,后来也变得很重要,那就是殉道。The other development that's going on at this time that will become very important is martyrdom.

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现代人读伊格那丢的信,会觉得他对殉道有一种近乎病态的渴求。Modern people reading Ignatius' letters, and he looks like he's morbid in his craving for martyrdom.

然后我们被折磨,大声喊叫,而这只是增加了由内疚带来的压力。Then we have martyrdom and the loud yelling voices that just add to the stress along with the guilt.

伊格那丢甚至自称,自己的殉道是上帝的话语。Ignatius can even claim,for himself,the status that he, especially to his martyrdom is the Word of God.