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他是一位风雅的艺术家。He is a tasteful artist.

该图表的格式很雅致。The format of the figure is very tasteful.

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双橡园的入口玄关,豪华高雅。The entrance foyer at Twin Oaks is elegant and tasteful.

相对与男人的风流,女人则是风骚了。Opposite with the man tasteful , the woman is coquettish.

我们的下一站是精巧雅致的Massaya酒庄。Our next stop is the exquisitely tasteful Massaya winery.

温馨、雅致的客房,静静享受属于自己的舒泰。In the sweet and tasteful room, just enjoy ease of your own.

你或许是黄道带中最具品味的星座。You are probably the most truly tasteful people of the zodiac.

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实际上,这是我见过的最有味道也是科技化程度最高的博物馆。In fact, it's the most tasteful and high-tech museum I've ever seen.

用这样幽默和高雅的搭讪语你总能成功的。You will always win using pick-up lines that are humorous and tasteful.

哈哈,这次泰森可没有咬人,或许是刘易斯的耳朵太难吃了。Tyson didn’t bite this time. Perhaps Lewis’s ears are not tasteful enough.

我想说这是暴露描写中程度最轻和最令人舒服的一段。All I can say is that this is the lightest and most tasteful of the excerpts.

它被设计得既现代又有趣,同时高雅而又有品位。It's designed to be modern and playful, at the same time elegant and tasteful.

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她穿的是一件扣皮带的黑皮大衣,耳朵上吊着小巧雅致的金耳环。She wore a belted black leather coat and small, tasteful gold hoops in her ears.

放心吧,这比你所看到的在海洋大道上游走的那些要有品味得多。Rest assured it's a lot more tasteful than what you'll see parading on Ocean Drive.

圣诞节期间,文森特家里使用的装饰品非常有品味。The ornamentation Vincent used to decorate his house at Christmas was very tasteful.

他威严,他的生活井然有序,他的袖扣总是那么有品位。He was courtly, his life lived in well-oiled sequences, his cufflinks always tasteful.

整件作品嵌入镀金饰盒中,更显华丽大方。The whole works mounted into the gold-plating jewel box looks magnificent and tasteful.

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优良的母糟产酒醇厚、丰满、余香好。High quality maternal draff could produce full-bodied, tasteful and sweet-scented liquor.

一方面肩负艰巨的政治使命,另一方面却是春意盎然的趣味生活。Liang takes a arduous political burden , on the other hand, pursues a vivid tasteful life.

虽说谨慎是一方面原因,但你大可以选择那些有品位且不会让自己觉得难堪的服饰。Modesty is one thing, but you can choose clothes you find tasteful that don’t swallow you.