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还只是喧闹春天的传令兵。And only herald to the gaudy spring.

她著一身色彩艳丽的服装参加宴会。She wore a gaudy costume to the party.

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祭坛的装饰品不应如此俗丽。The altarpiece should not be so gaudy.

我们爱取笑他戴的俗气而华丽的领带。We like to bait him about his gaudy ties.

郁金香,带着绚丽的斑斓色彩The tulip which with gaudy colours stained

艳俗艺术在社会上引发了许多争论。Gaudy art caused a lot of disputes in society.

因此,你俗华的金,我不会选你。Therefore, thou gaudy gold, I will none of you.

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这些花花绿绿的标牌立在校园里,怪碍眼的。These gaudy signs all over campus are a real eyesore.

他在街上大摇大摆地走,像一只绚丽好斗的公鸡。He strutted about the street like a gaudy fighting cock.

一艘来自圣?路易斯的廉价而俗气的轮船停靠在码头。A cheap, gaudy steamboat arrived at the wharf from St. Louis.

但他的晚装设计品位恶化-俗艳的紫色金色珠片。But her taste deteriorated into gaudy purple sequins at night.

党的标语被换了下来,代之以俗气的宣传。The Communist shoutings are not dhave, or gaudy advertising up.

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浮华的蝴蝶却相信花是应该向它叩谢的。the gaudy butterfly is sure that the flowers owe thanks to him.

一棵覆盖着金属丝和纸链的树让角落增光。A tree covered with tinsel and gaudy paper chains graced one corner.

这些贵族无须通过花哨的物品彰显自己的财富。These patricians don't need gaudy symbols to advertise their wealth.

这群贵族并不需要花俏的商标来炫耀他们的财富。These patricians don’t need gaudy symbols to advertise their wealth.

巴塞就是高迪的地盘啊,高迪是何方神圣?Barcelona is ny-police-mob-lawyers turf ah, gaudy is where the divine?

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安东尼·高迪在1926年逝世,为竟的大教堂是他的墓志铭。Antony Gaudy died in 1926, leaving an unfinished cathedral as his epitaph.

没有多萝西的俗丽之夜的中译本?。It seem that Gaudy Night by Dorothy L. Sayers lacks a Chinese translation.

华丽的衣著增添不了多少美丽,也颇能掩饰丑陋与畸型。Beauty gains little, and homeliness and deformity lose much , by gaudy attire.