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这是一项非常有效的运动。It’s a very potent exercise.

你必须意识到这有多大的说服力You have to realize how potent this is.

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硫磺是一种有效的冷硬成形成份。Sulphur is a potent chill-forming element.

美貌固有力,金钱力更大。Beauty is potent, but money is more potent.

美貌固有力,金钱力更大。Beauty is potent, buy money is more potent.

美貌固有力,科学力更大。Science is potent, but money is more potent.

美貌固有力,科学力更大。Beauty is potent, but science is more potent.

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飞鱼导弹是他们最有攻击力的武器。Their most potent weapon was the Exocet missile.

客气是对傲慢最有效的谴责。Politeness is the most potent rebuke to insolence.

所有最强力的诗魂是我们童心。The most potent muse of all is our own inner child.

可卡因是一种强大的中枢神经系统激动剂。Cocaine is a potent central nervous system stimulant.

而且野生鲑鱼中还富抗氧化物以及维生素B、D.It’s also potent in antioxidants and vitamins B and D.

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这个抗体分子就具有强大的抗原结合能力This is a very potent molecule for binding to antigen.

被老板表扬是一个强有力的激励因素。Being praised by a boss can be a very potent motivator.

对,这很像Kool-Aid,但更有效Right, so it's like--it's like Kool-Aid, but more potent.

是强有力的x射线源,中子星绕中心旋转。So these binary systems are very potent sources of x-rays.

金盏花中萃取出来的叶黄素是一种很有效的抗氧化物。Xanthophyll from the marigold flower is a potent antioxidant.

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这一消息足够强大,比本·拉登要存在更久。That message is potent enough to survive Mr bin Laden's death.

芬太尼贴片有一种强力麻醉剂,阿片类药物芬太尼。The Fentanyl patch has a potent narcotic, the opioid fentanyl.

他们为我们警告对危险倾向,指出潜在的邪恶。They warn us of dangerous trends. They point out potent evils.