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这个重新开发的旧苏联时代的工厂太惊人了。The redevelopment of this old Soviet factory is stunning.

北京前门大街重建工作于2007年5月9日拉开帷幕。Redevelopment work in Qianmen Street kicked off in May 9, 2007.

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而人们正在敦促伊拉克的科学家领导该国的恢复工作。And Iraq's scientists are being urged to lead the country's redevelopment.

新江湾城是原江湾军用机场搬迁后的土地再开发区域。New Jiangwan is a redevelopment area after the moving of a military airport.

出于预算的原因,从零开始对这些系统重新开发是糟糕的选择。For budgetary reasons, the redevelopment of these systems from scratch can be a poor option.

如何控制或限制应用程序的再开发及减少缺陷的数量?How can I control or limit redevelopment of my applications and reduce the number of defects?

蓝侬馆长著手进行挖掘的调查,以及进行博物馆的再造计画。Premier Paul Lennon was on hand to survey the dig and assess the museum's redevelopment plan.

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长远来说,加快旧区重建是最终解决办法。In the long run, accelerating the redevelopment of the obsolete areas is the ultimate solution.

班上每位同学都针对普罗维登斯市滨水地区复兴做了一份提案。Each student in the class made a proposal toward the redevelopment of the Providence waterfront.

▼据称阪神大地震灾区的区域再规划蓝图终于完成了。The city is said to be about to finalize its blueprint for post-quake rezoning and redevelopment.

以上所说的千万富翁,他们有伟大的投资计划和再发展工程。Multimillionaires like those above have planned spectacular investment and redevelopment projects.

华建敏对克拉克多年来积极推动中新关系发展表示赞赏。Hua appreciated Clark for actively pushing for redevelopment of bilateral relations over the years.

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场地紧邻住宅区和一处准备重新开发的港口区。The site borders a residential zone and an old port territory which is also going through redevelopment.

褐色土地开发是城市可持续发展战略的重要组成部分。Brownfields redevelopment is one of the most important urban sustainable development strategies in the U.

每股重点开发区域中心目前在推广的项目是穆列塔教育中心。One of the projects American Redevelopment Regional Center will be funding is the Murrieta Education Center.

思南公馆项目是上海“花园洋房类”中国上海市旧城改造的代表作之一。Sinan Shanghai mansion project is "Garden of house" in Shanghai, China representative of urban redevelopment.

假如有这一个创意平台设于活化工厂区,你会使用这些设计和服务吗?。If there have a creative platform in redevelopment industrial areas, will you use this facilities and service?

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将奥林匹克公园重建为住宅及商业的多用途场所一直在缓慢地进行。Redevelopment of the Olympic Park as a mixed-use residential and commercial site, however, has been slow going.

为了在一般单体机上实现所提出的方法,对有限元软件MSC。In order to realize this method in personal computer, the redevelopment of the finite element analysis software MSC.

政府已推出普遍瓦尼,前北部战区的大型重建工程。The government has launched major redevelopment works in the former northern war zone, popularly known as the Vanni.