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雷姆斯先生还是你朋友吗?Is mr. Remus still your friend?

莱姆斯,我的老朋友,你今晚没带药水吗?Remus , my old friend. Have you taken your potion tonight?

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莱姆斯·卢平可以说是最后一个可以保护哈利的人,虽然他不知道很多事情。Remus Lupin was considered to be the last that could protect Harry, though he didn't know much.

弗雷德,乔治,对不起,莱姆斯今天晚上来,比尔只能跟你们两个挤一挤了!Fred, George, I'm sorry, bears, but Remus is arriving tonight, so Bill will have to squeeze in with you two.

当哈利告诉卢平他听到了声音——他听到他的父亲说话,卢平很惊讶。When Harry was telling Lupin about the voices he'd heard, Remus reacted in surprise when Harry said he heard his dad.

庆祝仪式在卢帕卡尔洞穴开始,据说那里是卢帕狼哺育罗姆鲁斯和拉姆斯这两个婴儿的地方。The celebration began at the Lupercal cave, where the wolf Lupa was said to have suckled the infant Romulus and Remus.

神话故事中的野孩子最有名的要数罗马城的建立者罗慕路斯和雷穆斯。The most famous of all the fairy tales about wild children, however, are Romulus and Remus , the founders of Rome. The twins.

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哈利在遇见莱姆斯•卢平之前以为只有他自己和阿不思•邓布利多敢说出这个名字。Harry tends to think that before he met Remus Lupin, the only people he'd ever heard say the name were himself and Albus Dumbledore.

四个小时以后,普塞尔在清晨醒了过来,随后,他和船员们一起登上了甲板,看着远方的里莫斯潜艇在海面上漂浮。Four hours later, Purcell was up with the sun, and by late morning he was on deck with the crew, watching the Remus bob in the distance.

斯内普在1970年进入霍格沃茨,斯莱特林学院,同一年,詹姆?波特,小天狼星布莱克和莱姆斯?卢平被分入格兰芬多。Snape attended Hogwarts in the 1970s as a Slytherin, and was in the same year as Gryffindors James Potter, Sirius Black, and Remus Lupin.

从美国西北海岸西雅图港开来的Alucia号配备了三艘莱姆斯潜艇,以便对海底进行搜索。The Alucia came from Seattle on the northwest coast of the United States carrying three Remus submarines that were to search the ocean floor.

罗慕洛斯谋杀双胞胎兄弟雷摩斯,或该隐弑杀亲弟埃布尔,不都是为了创建而为的谋杀吗,为了创建城市及人类文明?What was Romulus' murder of Remus or Cain's murder of Abel, ? but the kind of murder that founded, at the basis of the founding of cities and civilizations?

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罗慕洛斯谋杀双胞胎兄弟雷摩斯,或该隐弒杀亲弟埃布尔,不都是为了创建而为的谋杀吗,为了创建城市及人类文明?What was Romulus' murder of Remus or Cain's murder of Abel, ? but the kind of murder that founded, at the basis of the founding of cities and civilizations?

包括西班牙绘画大师萨尔瓦多·达利的画作、沙特阿拉伯王子赠送的纯金马车的模型,以及意大利出品的希腊神话中罗穆卢斯神及瑞摩斯神的青铜雕塑。There are pictures by Spanish artist Salvador Dali, a model of the state coach in pure gold from a Saudi Arabian prince and a bronze sculpture of Romulus and Remus from Italy.

作为搜寻队伍的队长,迈克尔•普塞尔既是队员,又是整个队伍的主心骨,他声音粗犷,笑声爽朗,喜欢开玩笑,但他对里莫斯型潜艇的熟悉程度不亚于任何人。As expedition leader, Michael Purcell was equal parts colleague and boss, with a raspy voice and a sonic laugh and a playful sarcasm, but he knew the Remus subs as well as anyone.

在二月的第十五天开始的古罗马牧神节是一个为了纪念罗马农业之神福纳斯的生产、繁殖的节日,同时也是为了纪念罗马的建立者罗穆卢斯和瑞摩斯。Lupercalia, which began at the ides ofFebruary, February 15, was a fertility festival dedicated to Faunus, the Roman god of agriculture, as well as to the Roman founders Romulus and Remus.

牧神节是一个古罗马生育节,每年2月15日举行,人们会在这一天献祭罗马农神福纳斯、以及罗马的建立者罗穆卢斯和瑞摩斯。Celebrated at the ides of February, or February 15, Lupercalia was a fertility festival dedicated to Faunus, the Roman god of agriculture, as well as to the Roman founders Romulus and Remus.