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您需要行李车吗?。Do you need a trolley?

那辆无轨电车丁丁当当地开了过去。The trolley came by, dinging noisily.

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一列电车正沿著轨道急驶。A trolley is hurtling down the tracks.

你只管把要买的放进来。Just put what you want in the trolley.

侍者推来了甜点车。The waiter wheeled in a sweet trolley.

他推着小脚轮车乒乒乓乓地过了几道门。He crashed the trolley through the doors.

请稍等,我往拿一辆行李车。Just a moment, please. I'll bring a trolley.

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他在州街登上了一辆北行的有轨电车。He took a northbound trolley on State Street.

他们遭受了一次严重的电车事故。They've been in a terrible trolley car wreck.

他们在一场严重的电车事故中受伤。They've been in a very terrible trolley car wrack.

单轨小车是一种配套设备。Monorail trolley is a kind of ancillary facilities.

请等一会,我把行李车带过来。British Just a moment, please. I'll bring a trolley.

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电车的电能是通过架空线供给的。The trolley bus picks up current from an overhead wire.

有多少人会把电车开到侧轨上去?How many would turn the trolley car onto the side track?

要是能借用一下你们的行李车,我想我自己就行。I think I can do it myself if I can borrow your trolley.

塑料周转箱,塑料托盘,小台车等物流设备。Plastic Circling Box, Plastic Salver, Small Trolley etc.

这辆无轨电车与开往机场的公共汽车衔接。The trolley bus connects here with a bus for the airport.

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这辆无轨电车在这儿衔接去机场的公共汽车。The trolley bus connects here with a bus for the airfield.

特迪乘坐111路无轨电车去旅游局。Teddy caught the No. 111 trolley bus to the tourist bureau.

搬运工把我们那些被翋雨水浸透的脏兮兮的行李放上了手推车。The porter put our scruffy rain-sodden luggage on a trolley.