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托儿所就在这儿附近。The nursery is somewhere hereabout.

这是一支大家都很熟悉的童谣。This is a well-known nursery rhyme.

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塔什干,乌克兰,日间托儿所。Day nursery in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

19311931年,第一间集体农场的日间托儿所。First day nursery in a collective farm.

托儿所的婴儿都在啼哭。The babies were bawling in the nursery.

我们去苗圃买了一株梅树。We bought an ume tree from the nursery.

狗舍当然是设在育儿室里。Of course her kennel was in the nursery.

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安吉县同时也是中国最大的竹苗圃。It also has China's largest bamboo nursery.

育婴室装饰着五颜六色的气球。The nursery was decorated with colorful balloons.

但是,可千万别放个紫外线灯在保育室。But don’t buy a UV light for the nursery just yet.

请别担心,要知道,我是保育院的女教师。Please don't worry, you know, I am nursery teacher.

这育婴室大概能迎合29位小孩。This nursery will be able to cater for 29 children.

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其实有时候怀念那幼儿班的小爱恋。In fact, sometimes miss the little love that nursery.

农夫在小鸡小鸭区救了一只斑鸠。Nung-fu saves a dove in the chick and duckling nursery.

上幼儿园的时候,苏作为看护也随同前往。J. started nursery school, Sue went with him as a helper.

解决配偶工作、孩子入托及上学问题。The spouse job, children nursery and school can be solved.

这位高兴的父亲跑到育婴室去看自己的儿子。The joyful father rushed to the nursery to see his new son.

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当婴儿出生的时候,他们将书房改为育婴室。They convert the study into a nursery when the baby is born.

婴儿出生时,他们把书房改成了育婴室。They converted the study into a nursery when the baby was born.

请到育婴室帮访客辨识你的婴儿。Please go to the nursery and identify your baby for the visitors.