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拯救我们脱离邪恶。Deliver us from evil.

我们提供专门知识。We deliver expertise.

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实现和交付。Implement and Deliver.

你们可不可以送一本来?Can You deliver a copy?

他们真的能实现?Can they really deliver?

你们可以送票吗?Can you deliver tickets?

刺,戳,击快速的刺入或打击。To deliver a quick punch.

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这是鬼神们赐给他的。This is what they deliver him.

我只负责送餐去您的房间。We deliver meals to your room.

怎样把音乐传递给人们?How to deliver music to people?

现在,我们所要做的是付诸行动。Now all we have to do is deliver.

他们连悼词也不发.They won't even deliver a eulogy.

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亚马逊网络书店不提供邮递到印度的服务。And Amazon would not deliver them.

我可以用快递寄送这份文件吗?Can I deliver the file by express?

他的工作就是送电报。His work was to deliver telegrams.

大多数事业计画都石沈大海。Most business plans don't deliver.

可同时向两个作业点送冰。Can deliver for two icing stations.

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你们可以送一束玫瑰花来吗?Can you deliver a bouquet of roses?

因他不能救你们脱离我的手。He cannot deliver you from my hand.

我将自己完全交给他们。I deliver myself entirely unto them.