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马克斯•韦伯与艾米尔•迪尔凯姆是宗教社会学的两位主要奠基人。Max Weber and Durkheim are two main founders of religionary sociology.

这里是上帝的牧场,所有的音乐似乎都充满了宗教的光辉,那么安静,悠远。This is the pasture of God. All the music are full of religionary brilliance. It's so pacific and remote.

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基于此五当召风景区的基本特色是宗教文化,同时可以加入地方民族文化特色。For Wudang Lamasery, its basic character is religionary atmosphere which can be blent with regional and national style.

从内容上寒山诗大致可以分为世俗诗与宗教诗两大类。Han Shan poetry can be divided into two categories according to its content, namely secularized poems and religionary poems.

它与一般宗教仪式、仪轨系统所特有的固定性和排他的性质,有根本性的区别。It is different from the general religionary ceremony , the fixity of a patent ceremonial system and the character of exclusive.

主管全府的礼制制定、教育宣传、宗教祭祀、表彰忠孝等方面事务。In charge of matters on local etiquette setting, educational propaganda, religionary sacrifice, commending faith and filial piety, etc.

90年代,国际敌对势力加紧利用宗教问题对我国实行“西化”和“分化”。In 1990s′, the international hostile force has accelerated its steps to use religionary issues to "westernize" and "decompound" our country.

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在齐鲁大学校园文化的发展中,逐渐形成了务实性、社团的学术性、以人为本和宗教性的特点。In its development, the Cheeloo University campus culture gradually gained its characteristics of being pragmatic, academic, humanism and religionary.

本文通过实例阐述了中国古代宗教建筑——伊斯兰教建筑两个系统的发展、构成及特色。Using some examples, this paper expounds the development, composing and characteristic of two systems of Chinese hoary religionary building-Mohammedan building.

就乡村文化生活而言,则以乡村中的中小学或宗祠、社庙、寺院、教堂等宗教和文化活动场所为载体。And religionary and cultural stages including junior high school or grade school, ancestral hall, temple, or church, are the location of the culture life in countryside.

而慧远作为东晋时期继道安后的佛教领袖,他的宗教活动与佛学思想在中国佛教史上的意义也极其受到重视。Also Huiyuan, a leader of Buddhism after Daoan in East-Jin Dynasty, was much accounted important owing to the significance of his religionary activities and Buddhist thoughts.

本文将讨论这些佛教故事图的艺术风格和宗教内涵,探讨疏勒佛教性质。The present article presents a discussion on the style and the religionary meaning of them, and to a greater extent, attempts to reveal the character of the Buddhism in Shule.

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另一方面创造性的设立了敕封达赖、班禅和金瓶掣签等制度,对当时以至当代我国的宗教管理法制都产生了深远影响。On the one hand Qing dynasty summarized experiences and lessons and continued religionary legislation, On the other hand, Qing dynasty set up some new systemes and bring influence.

它在形成上虽然传承、沿袭着丰富的传统文化基因,保留了多元文化的传统个性,但在总体上受历史文化、宗教文化和地理环境三大因素的影响最深刻。Although it passes and follows the gene of the rich traditional culture and remains its character, it is deeply influenced by the historic culture, religionary culture and geographical environment.