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这星期,他的意见轰动性的被第九巡回法院赞成了。This week, he was resoundingly upheld by the Ninth Circuit.

团结到一起来,你们克服逆境取得了胜利。Together, you triumphed resoundingly over this rare adversity.

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说实话,这样做的理由深得我心。To be sure, we've been doing this for a reason I resoundingly applaud.

因为媒体轰动一时的抨击,她舒适的生活被粉碎了。Her comfortable life disintegrates as she is resoundingly excoriated by the press.

这是在2008年5月北卡罗来纳州的初选之后,那一次奥巴马赢得漂亮。It was shortly after the North Carolina primary in May 2008, which Obama had won resoundingly.

这成功反映在了那晚在观众中进行的实验的结果中。This was resoundingly reflected in the results of an experiment carried out on the evening's audience

舒默预计该议案将在10月初"顺利地"得到通过.届时议员们将结束休假,恢复工作.Schumer said he expected the bill to pass "resoundingly" early in October when lawmakers return from a break.

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日本选民响亮地拒绝了半个多世纪来为日本制定政治纲领的政党。Japanese voters have resoundingly rejected the party that has set the country's policy agendas for more than half a century.

全班一致响应用穆罕默德这个名字,这是穆斯林世界最常见的名字,也是伊斯兰圣教的创始人的名字。The class voted resoundingly for Muhammad, one of the most common names in the Muslim world and the name of Islam's holy prophet.

我拒绝这些理论,而且美国人民在11月参加投票并用投票支持变革时他们也是拒绝这些理论的。I reject these theories, and so did the American people when they went to the polls in November and voted resoundingly for change.

在光滑裸露的巨大水平平面上,我们望向远方水天相接的地平线,欣赏夕阳西下的美景。On this resoundingly horizontal plane, bare and denuded, we face out to the distant horizon traced by the sea where the sun goes down.

上周,在一年一度的东盟地区论坛上,也是该地区讨论政治和安全问题的主要平台,这个问题得到了轰动的回答。The answer came resoundingly last week at the annual ASEAN Regional Forum, the area's main gathering to discuss political and security issues.

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去年秋天,四个州的选民成功地在本州的宪法中加上了工会组织过程中的无记名投票选举权,亚利桑那州是其中之一。Arizona is one of four states where voters last fall resoundingly added to their constitutions the right to secret-ballot elections in union organizing.

继该团在哈莱姆艺术学院的首演之后,纽约哈莱姆黑人歌手又出访墨西哥、韩国和美国,取得了轰动性的成功。After the first appearance at the Harlem School of the Arts, New York Harlem Singers has a resoundingly successful tour to Mexico, Korea and United States.

一个常见的说法被成功地澄清了,以素食为主有助于预防及康复,而含有大量动物蛋白的饮食则对健康有害。The common refrain is resoundingly clear in that a plant-based diet is both preventive and healing, whereas a diet high in animal protein is destructive to our health.

连同这些军事改革,以使洪太极响亮打败明部队在一系列的战斗1640年至1642年的领土嵩山和荆州。Togetherthese military reforms enabled Hung Taiji to resoundingly defeat Mingforces in a series of battles from 1640 to 1642 for the territories ofSongshan and Jingzhou.

关于希腊退出欧元体系的讨论似乎很不靠谱,决策者已经明确表态反对这一提议,但希腊重获经济竞争力的道路将异常艰难。Talk about its leaving the euro seems far fetched and has been resoundingly rejected by policymakers, but the country's road back to economic competitiveness is steep indeed.

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让面食成为山西旅游宣传的一张名片和山西旅游的创新产品,让“晋食天下”的品牌打得更响亮。Enable the wheaten food to become Shanxi to travel the innovation product which a propaganda name card and Shanxi travel, lets "the Jin food world" the brand hits resoundingly.

并与武汉科技学院建立了长期与紧密的合作关系,进行产品的研发,并共建有测试中心,专业从事功能性面料的研发与生产,产品主要运用于运动、休闲、内衣等系列产品。Also, it has established a long cooperation relationship with Wuhan Universtiy of Science & Engineering and set up a test center to research and develop the functional fabric resoundingly.

乐声如风,飘过“鸟巢”,起初如风起于青萍之末,最后,长风浩荡,高亢呼啸!The music like wind, has fluttered the bird nest, at first like the wind results from the blue duckweed end, finally, the strong wind from afar is enormous and powerful, howls resoundingly !