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这不重要,跳过Forget it, anyway.

我无论怎样都爱你。Hey, I love U anyway.

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我也不例外。I do too, so, anyway.

只是一个小不点。A little runt, anyway.

横竖我不来了。Anyway I am not coming.

反正不会在我的生活中。Not in my world anyway.

额,无论怎样,他还是那样做了。Well, he did it anyway.

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不管怎样每个人都爱你。Everyone loves you anyway.

想要任何时候关灯?Want the light off anyway?

但是瑞斯寇拉还是做了。But Rescorla did it anyway.

毕竟,我已经准备洗手不干了。I'm ready to retire anyway.

英尼可和吉娜死了。Iniko and Gina died anyway.

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因为对不对都全无价值。It is all valueless anyway.

他们还是勇敢的去了。Undaunted,they went anyway.

究竟什么才是坏东西呢?What is a bad thing anyway?

不管怎样,所有的都是神的。It all belongs to God anyway.

我们是几年级的孩子么?What grade are we in, anyway?

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再说又有谁想驯服它呢?And who wants it tamed anyway?

而小福特就是马自达。Small Fords are Mazdas anyway.

关键是不管怎样吃掉它们。The key is to eat them anyway.