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占统治地位的宗教是路德教会。The predominant religion is Lutheran.

法国在陆地上占优势,英国则在海上。France was predominant on land, Britain at sea.

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鲜红是屋子里的主色调…Bright red is the predominant color in the room.

这样一个方向是有支配地位的。And this other direction was the predominant one.

红、黄、蓝、绿和紫等等都是颜色。Bright red was the predominant colour in the room.

亚美尼亚主要的宗教是基督教。The predominant religion in Armenia is Christianity.

商州地区则以TMV和PVY为主要的病毒类群。The predominant viruses were TMV and PVY in Shangzhou.

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这种甜酒的主要味道来自芫荽。Goldwasser derives its predominant flavor from coriander.

高岗有什么光明面占优势呀?。What predominant bright side is there in Kao Kang's CASE?

硝化-反硝化作用是氨氮去除的主要途径。Nitrification is the predominant removal process of ammonia.

在种族主义者写的书中,煽动仇恨是主要的观点。Hatemongering is the predominant idea in the book by a racist.

在拉丁区西班牙语是主要语言。Throughout the Latin quarter, Spanish is a predominant language.

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芦苇是新生滨海湿地上的优势群落。Reed is the predominant community on the newborn coastal wetlands.

优势类群对冰、雪冰和雪环境具有一定的指示意义。Thus, the predominant species can indicate the glacial environment.

通常,一个地区的主要商贸物品决定了当地的酒馆名称。Often the predominant trade of the area would give the pub its name.

林木在竞争中占据优势,形成林木对农作物的胁地负效应。Tree is predominant in competition and will affect crops negatively.

希腊语在南方是主流语言,土耳其语则主要在北方广泛使用。Greek is the predominant language in the south, Turkish in the north.

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其中因素有几个,但最主要的就是气候变化。There are several factors, but the predominant one is climate change.

鲜明的物质化是陈风旭作品的突出特征。Blatant materialism is the predominant feature of Chen Fengxu's works.

水旱灾害是湖南省最严重的自然灾害。Flood and drought are the predominant natural disasters in Hunan Province.