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光刻槽的补偿问题在激光雕刻中有着重要意义。The compensative problem of laser trough is very important in laser carving.

研究了一种带补偿节流器的两级电液伺服阀结构和特性。The characteristics and structure of electro-hydraulic servovalve with compensative restrictors are analyzed.

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此外,作者还在文中探讨了精神赔偿、惩罚性赔偿制度建立的必要性及可行性。Meanwhile, author discussed the feasibilities and necessities of building of metal compensative system and punitive damage system.

因此,政府对失地农民的补偿政策是此次新农村建设能否成功的关键。Therefore, the government's compensative policies concerning the land-lost farmers play a key role in constructing new socialist countryside.

建立了电液伺服阀的传递函数模型,分析了补偿节流器液阻对阀特性的影响。The transfer function model of this valve is got, and the influence of these compensative restrictors to electro-hydraulic servovalve is analyzed.

该新型阀在主阀芯两端增加了对称的一对补偿节流器,用于调节阀的动态特性。A pair of compensative restrictors is added in the cavity on both ends of main spool of two stage servovalve to adjust its dynamic characteristics.

并以MPI为平台在集群环境中实现了补偿滑轮组变幅机构的两目标与三目标并行博弈设计。By using MPI in the COW, it realizes the double-objective and triple-objective parallel game decision design of bluff mechanism of compensative sheave block.

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介绍了利用计算机的软件功能,对介质的密度进行补偿计算,从而提高汽包水位测量精度的原理和方法。This paper introduces a method of improving measure precision for water level in steam room which does the compensative calculating of medium density by computer.

在谐振腔内加入热补偿透镜对热效应进行了补偿,实现了长腔激光器的稳定运转。In order to compensate the thermal results, there was a thermal compensative lens in the resonant cavity to realize the steady run of the extra-long optical resonator.

碛口水电站与安康、石泉水电站都供电陕西省电网,且入库径流差异很大,存在着补偿调节的可能性。Qikou, Ankang and Shiquan hydropower stations provide power supply for Shaanxi network. Because the inflow is very different among the three reservoirs, compensative operation is possible.

作者通过神经补偿机制探讨目前的平衡训练方法提高脑卒中慢性期患者平衡功能的可能机制和存在的问题。The authors mainly discussed the mechanism and issues of balance training by which the balance function of stroke patients in chronic period improved, based on nerve compensative mechanism.

矿产地战略储备要协调国家与地方经济利益,建立补偿机制促进矿产地战略储备的顺利进行。It was important to construct compensative mechanism to coordinate the benefits between the central and the local during mineral lands reserve, and promote the national mineral lands reserve.

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结果表明,隔沟交替灌溉可以保证作物一部分根区处于比较湿润状态,另一部分根区处于相对干燥状态,湿润与干燥区域的交替出现可诱导葡萄的补偿生长效应。The results indicated that AFI, either mulching or no mulching, could alternately keep a part of root zone drying and another part of it wetting, which induced the compensative growth of grape.