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结论言语训练可以改善重度痉挛型构音障碍患者的症状。ConclusionSpeech therapy can improve the symptom of severe hyperkinetic dysarthria.

目的观察言语训练对于重度痉挛型构音障碍效果分析。Objective To analyze the effect of speech therapy on severe hyperkinetic dysarthria.

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心理教育、行为治疗可以减少多动症的伴随症状。Psychological education or behavioral modification could reduce complication of hyperkinetic syndrome.

心理教育及行为矫正治疗可以减少儿童多动综合征的并发症。The psychological education and behavioral modification can reduce the complication of hyperkinetic syndrome of childhood.

我国多动性障碍的诊断研究近十年取得了显著进展,但仍有许多有待解决的问题。There is great progress in the study of the diagnosis of hyperkinetic disorders in China within the latest ten years, but it is not enough.

摄影师文森特Bousserez已巧妙地创造了整个世界的微型塑料人民生活动生活的工作,互相勉励。Photographer Vincent Bousserez has artfully created an entire world of miniature plastic people that live hyperkinetic lives working and playing hard.

哌醋甲酯用于治疗儿童多动症时,每张处方不得超过15日常用量。When prescribing methylphenidates for curing childhood hyperkinetic syndrome, each prescription may only provide the common dosage available for no more than 15 days.

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她酷爱运动、才智卓越,是我在牛津碰到的唯一一位说话的语速能够超过英国同学的美国女子。She was hyperkinetic and highly intelligent, the only American woman I met at Oxford who was more than a match for her British counterparts in fast, free-flowing conversation.

碰撞中的触角星系,太空中的高动力碰撞,在未来25亿年间银河系与仙女星系如果发生碰撞,也有可能产生此现象。The colliding Antenna Galaxies, a hyperkinetic smashup in space, may approximate what will happen when the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy collide in about 2.5 billion years.

数以万计的漂亮的旧建筑被拆毁或重建,这些都是在任期于1992-2010年内的活跃的市长卢日科夫的领导下进行的。Tens of thousands of handsome old buildings have been demolished and rebuilt, all with the blessing of Yury Luzhkov, the man who was Moscow’s hyperkinetic mayor from 1992 to 2010.