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我帮助他们适应在美国的生活。I help them acclimate to living in the U. S.

可以通过几件事帮助这些蛇去适应新环境。Several things can be done to help the snake acclimate.

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我将设法使一些地球植物适应月球的环境。Some earth plants that I will try to acclimate to the moon.

我只想说我们应该顺应时代的要求。I just say that we should make it acclimate the times request.

虽然热度和湿度都有影响,但人们能够适应。Yet as challenging as heat and humidity are, people can acclimate.

他们不能坚持自己文明演进到适应环境或一个现代社会。They can not adhere or acclimate themselves to Civilizati on or a Modern Society.

伊斯兰教是一个不断适应时代要求、顺应社会发展的宗教。Islam is a religion that acclimate the times request and the social development continuously.

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无论气象是好是坏,父亲和我都不去加入那个聚首。Whether the acclimate is good or bad, neither ancestor nor I am traveling to the acquisition.

只要给予时间,人们将会适应环境,无论是难以置信旳积极面或消极面。Given time, people will acclimate to circumstances, whether fantastically positive or negative.

如果,你将青蛙放在一锅冷水里,慢慢煮热,它会安稳地待在锅里,不会跳出来,而是慢慢地适应逐渐升温的热水,直至在沸水中死亡。He will not jump out but slowly acclimate to the increasingly hot water until it boils to death.

法国是克利斯朵夫一向极为向往的国家,但一旦到了那儿,他发现很难于适应。Once in France, a country he greatly admired, Christophe found it difficult to acclimate himself.

他表示CUE将提供“自然”的语音识别功能,这样一来就不需要用户去适应这个系统了。CUE, he said, will offer "natural" speech recognition that doesn't require the user to acclimate the system.

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在室内或温室栽培的瓶子草,何时、如何适应室外的环境呢?The tricky part of growing Sarracenia indoors or a greenhouse is how and when to acclimate them to life outdoors.

面试前的十分钟休息时间会让你喘口气,适应周围的环境。A ten-minute, pre-interview break will give you an opportunity to catch your breath and acclimate to your surroundings.

他在学术界的同辈不会吹捧他那缺乏说明性的文字,也不会致以任何称赞之词。His academic peers could neither acclimate to the lack of accountability in his published word nor offer any accolades to him.

传统的学校体育教学模式已不能适应社会对人才体能及心理各方面的要求。The traditional mode of physical education in high schools cannot acclimate itself to meet the mental and physical needs of society.

身为一位跨文化培训师,我帮助许多跨国企业里的高级经理人及他们的家人在不同的国家适应新的环境。As a cross cultural trainer, I help senior executives from multinational companies and their families acclimate to their new countries and environment.

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当你从高脂肪高钠和高糖的食物转变为较为健康的饮食时,你的味蕾可能需要一两个礼拜才能适应。When you swap processed, high-fat, sodium-packed, and over sweetened food for healthier fare, it can take one to two weeks before your taste buds acclimate.

面试前的十分钟休息时间会让你喘口气,适应周围的环境。这个时间刚刚好,又不会太多。A ten-minute, pre-interview break will give you an opportunity to catch your breath and acclimate to your surroundings. It's enough time, but not too much time.

新球员彼此熟悉要耗时几周,或许15至20场比赛以后德安东尼方能找出哪一组合属最佳之选。It could take several weeks for the new players to acclimate to one another, and perhaps 15 to 20 games for D’Antoni to figure out which combinations work best.