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阿米巴原虫大概是对人最容易引起疾病的变形虫。Entamoeba histolytica is, possibly, the most pathogenic amoeba for humans.

目的探索侵袭内阿米巴较好的培养和保种方法。Objective To look for a better methods for culture and preservation of Entamoeba invades.

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但阿米巴对不同动物的红细胞的吞噬指数无明显差别。Entamoeba histolytica prefers engulfing erythrocytes of higher mammals to chicken erythrocytes.

为了调查青少年齿龈内阿米巴的感染情况,探讨其与口腔疾患的关系。To investigate the infection of Entamoeba gingivalis in adolescents and its relationship with oral diseases.

什么是'肠外阿米巴病-感染阿米巴以外的其他领域小肠'?。Several protozoan species in the genus Entamoeba infect humans, but not all of them are associated with disease.

并就齿龈内阿米巴感染与性别、婚姻、口腔卫生和口腔疾病的关系进行了调查分析。The relations of Entamoeba gingivalis infection to the sex, marriage, oral hygiene and mouth diseases are discussed.

阿米巴原虫造成阿米巴痢疾,具有血便和伴随着腹泻的腹痛特征。Entamoeba histolytica causes amoebic dysentery, characterized by bloody stools and diarrhea accompanied by abdominal pain.

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主要感染虫种为蛔虫、蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫、钩虫、肠滴虫、猪带绦虫和阿米巴。Ascaris lumbricoides, Giardia lamblia, Hookworm, Trichomonas hominis, Taenia solium and Entamoeba are the major infective parasites.

内变形虫,内阿米巴一种内变形虫属,尤其是内变形虫属中一种寄生性变形虫,引起痢疾及结肠和肝的溃疡。Any of several parasitic amoebas of the genus entamoeba especially e. histolytica causing dysentery and ulceration of the colon and liver.

在最近的几十年间,由于先进的技术,溶组织阿米巴与和迪斯帕内阿米巴得已区分使阿米巴的病原学重新定义。Due to technologic advances, the definition of entamoeba has been changed in last decades by differentiating Entamoeba histolytica from Entamoeba dispar.

调查新疆石河子地区1982年5月至1983年5月,453名汉族不同对象,两种原虫感染与流行情况。Reports 453 contagious and epidemic cases of Trichomonas tenax and Entamoeba gingivalis among the residents in Shihezi Prefecture, Xinjiang, from May 5,1982 to May5, 1983.