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定期进行管网冲洗工作。Termly flush the water distribution networks.

定期的安排洁净服的洗涤。Organize washing dirty clothes crectly termly.

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定期的安排洁净服的洗涤。Organize washing dirty clothes correctly and termly.

液体硫化染料系指硫化染料隐色体溶液。Liquid sulfur dye is termly the leuco aqueous of sulfur dyestuff.

公开且定期的报告企业的财务及CSER绩效。Publish the corporate CSER performance on an open and termly manner.

完善仓库管理系统及并对下属仓管员进行定期评估和考核。To improve the warehouse management system and termly evaluate storekeeper.

这又是因为他本人也不可能长期地与理性为敌。This is because him himself can not be hostile to reason long- termly either.

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成员们定期在不同的地点召开年会。Members meet termly in geographical regions and once a year at the Annual Conference.

定期检查托架的使用情况,定期检查润滑油的清洁度和油位。Examine working status of the frame, degree of cleanness and oil level of lubricating oil termly.

设备维护人员实施设备维护计划,定期维护设备。The equipment's maintenance staffs should take the equipment maintenance plan , and maintain it termly.

方法利用抗肝窦内皮细胞的单克隆抗体对大鼠肝移植后定期采取的肝组织标本染色。Methods We stained liver specimen sampled termly with monoclonal antibodies to endotheliocytes of hepatic sinusoid in rat.

还有一类客户想得比较长远,他们希望利用云技术进行商业模式的转变。Still a kind of client thinks more long- termly , they hope to use cloud technology to have the change of commercial pattern.

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应定期检查切割器刀片间隙,如间隙过大应调整压刃器垫片来达到理想间隙。Check the clearance among the spare of cutter termly. If the clearance is too large, adjust the washer to the reasonable clearance.

1985年,兆胜集团成立于江苏泰兴,长期致力于高品质军工配套产品的研发与生产。In 1985, Zhaosheng Group was established in Taixing, Jiangsu, which long termly devoted to military accessory products R&D and manufacturing.

介绍制冷空调试验装置中各类型传感器的标定方法及传感器定期标定的必要性。Recommends calibration methods of types of sensor used in test rig refrigeration and air-condition test rig and the importance to calibrate termly.

分析了传感器定期标定的必要性,介绍了制冷空调试验装置中常用的各种类型传感器的标定方法。This thesis recommends calibration methods of types of sensor used in air-condition tester of refrigeration, and the importance to calibrate termly.

国内网游运营商需保持清醒的头脑,要将目光放得长远一些,要从长期战略上考虑。Domestic network swims the mind that operation business needs to keep sober, want to put the view a few more long- termly , want to consider from long-term strategy.

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厂领导不定期对公司的院区,车间和仓库等进行巡查,如有违反者对各部门负责人及责任人按制度处置。The leadership should inspect the courtyard, plants and storages termly. Once they find transgressors , should treat the principal of every department according to the system.

结论抗精神病药物对心脏的副作用不可忽视,应用抗精神病药物时应定期监测心电图,尤其是女性患者。Conclusion The side effect of neuroleptic to heart cannot be neglected and electrocardiogram shall be inspected termly when neuro-lepthic is used, especially for female patients.

办公室,车间,仓库内的电器装置,电线由专职电工定期检查,发现隐患及时采取措施,防止事故发生。The electric installment and wires in offices, plants and storages should be checked termly by special electricians , if find hidden trouble, should make measures to stop from accidents happened.