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由淀粉组成的或包含淀粉的。Similar to or yielding farina.

这些努力正在产生成果。These efforts are yielding results.

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压碎在物理上叫做“屈服Which is called "yielding" in physics.

战士们宁死不岖不愿投降。The fighters would die before yielding.

血液在依从的双唇上的闪光。The blood that gleams on the yielding lips.

拉伸元件可能由于塑性屈伏而破坏。A tension member may fail by plastic yielding.

越来越多的汽车学会在道路上礼让行人。More cars yielding to pedestrians on the road.

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旧的秩序已经改变了,新的秩序正在形成。The old order changeth, yielding place to new.

中国的一种苔草,结可食的球状块茎。Chinese sedge yielding edible bulb-shaped tubers.

中国的一种苔草,结可食的球状块茎。Chinese sedge yielding edible bulb-shaped tubers.

葡萄糖转苷酶是低聚异麦芽糖生产的关键酶制剂。It is the key enzyme for yielding iso-maltooligosaccharide.

每段回忆都是惹人爱的因为带来无尽的纪念。Memories Are Lovable As Yielding Sweet Infinite Anniversary.

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东印度群岛的一种木棉树生产次于木棉的纤维。East indian silk cotton tree yielding fibers inferior to kapok.

在产生良好的读数时,衡量尺度极少被弃用。Yardsticks seldom are discarded while yielding favorable readings.

第三生产队那片高产田靠近公路。The third production team's high- yielding land abuts on the high-way.

平整的电渗流剖面产生高效的分离效率。The flow profile of EOF is flat, yielding high separation efficiencies.

出产用于制造绳索、地席和刷子的纤维的巴西棕榈。Brazilian palm yielding fibers used in making ropes , mats, and brushes.

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漫长的严冬终于接近尾声,被柔和温暖的气候所取代。The long cruel winter came to an end at last, yielding to a gentle warm.

渍害低产农田的研究,长期以来是人们十分关注的问题。It has long been concerned much to study the low yielding swamped farmlands.

QDA是从海水中发现的产生褐藻多糖的细菌,无致病性。QDA, which was isolated from seawater, has the ability of yielding alginate.