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量子理论并不只是一个深奥的附录。The quantum theory is not just an esoteric addendum.

无痕是一种为人处事的高深境界。Traceless is a kind of esoteric realm of personal behavior.

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对大大都人而言,心思学是一门奥秘而又深邃的学科。For most people, psychology is the mysterious and esoteric subject.

这是根本的三昧法,最究竟的密法。This is the ultimate method of samadhi and the most esoteric Dharma.

我问了,但是他说他不能告诉我那药方,因为那是秘传的。I asked, but he said he couldn't tell me the recipe because it was esoteric.

如果技术过于深奥的话,糟糕的选择可能会妨碍到被收购。A poor choice could preclude acquisition if the technology were too esoteric.

妨碍矽产生雷射光的另一个因素,是称为「奥格重合」的过程。An esoteric process known as Auger recombination also impedes silicon lasing.

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嗨,我是杰克,我在这里揭露秘密教团和信息控制。Hi, this is Jack and I'm here exposing esoteric cults and information-control.

这跟那些广为流传的东西没有任何关系,它只不过是你对生活的态度。This has nothing to do with esoteric things, it is your attitude towards life.

你将倾向于神秘主义,并表现出对密教理想的兴趣。You will be inclined toward mysticism and show an interest for esoteric ideas.

读过诗的都知道,现代诗歌惯用大量晦涩的词汇。Readers of poetry will know that modern poets like to use big and esoteric words.

由于处于人类知识的最顶端,粒子物理看起来的确有点神秘莫测。Out on the cusp of human knowledge, particle physics can seem very esoteric indeed.

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这种观点是有了这种神秘知识,就能被叫做诺斯替。This idea that you have esoteric knowledge would be called a Gnostic kind of notion.

深奥的传统在精神团体、公社或兄弟会中代代相传。Esoteric tradition became handed down in spiritual groups, communes, or fraternities.

他锐利地运用色彩、大胆地使用刷工而且他的主题总是十分深奥。His use of color is sharp, his brush work is bold, and his subject is often esoteric.

不知不觉,习惯了咀嚼深奥的文词,呼吸熟梦里的感觉。Imperceptibly, accustomed to chewing esoteric words, breathing familiar dream feeling.

我们先抛开这些神秘的东西,让我们回到Pyton语言上来。We're going to temporarily get off of this more esoteric stuff, and go back to Python.

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当我喝下了秘传教义的芳洌琼浆时,我也经历过这样的愉快。I have experienced this pleasure when I have drunk the liquor of the esoteric doctrines.

另一个对阿切曼尼图案的解释是来自一个深奥的观点。Yet another interpretation of the Achaemenid design comes from an esoteric point of view.

我去掉了大量间接的内容和比较深奥的分类链接表示方法。I've snipped a lot of the indirection and the more esoteric ways taxonomy links are expressed.