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为什么肉是温暖的?Why is our flesh warm?

能挡得住子弹吗?Can flesh stay bullets?

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肉没有腐烂。Flesh is not putrefied.

就是皮肉伤而已。It's just a flesh wound.

这肉体只是一具皮囊!This flesh is only flesh!

指甲长进肉里了。The nail grows into flesh.

果肉肥厚。The pulp is full and flesh.

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汤姆是个身材魁伟的人。Tom is a mountain of flesh.

子弹射进肉里。The bullet entered the flesh.

针扎到她肉里了。The needle pierced her flesh.

就像Watts太太一样。She is a sort of mass of flesh.

我们接连数周饱餐了父亲猎得的鹿肉。The flesh of a deer used as food.

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淡灰白色鱼肉的比目鱼。Grayish-white flesh of a flatfish.

他们用刀切开了他的肌肉。They lanced his flesh with knives.

一种欧洲大比目鱼的肉。Flesh of a large european flatfish.

拉登是布什的肉中刺。Laden is the thorn in Bush's flesh.

取下烤鸭上面的肉,切碎。Remove flesh from rost duck. Shred.

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子弹穿进了它那暴露的肉里。Rounds tore into its exposed flesh.

他的鬼怪故事使我汗毛直竖。His ghost story made my flesh creep.

我是约书亚,有血有肉的人类。I am Jeshua, man of flesh and blood.