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最简单的办法就是,植物盆内的土壤表面干了,就可以浇水了。The simplest way is, the edaphic surface inside plant basin worked, can water.

对土壤要求不太严格,但以疏松。肥沃。排水良好的壤土为好。Not quite strict to edaphic requirement, but with the loam with loose, fecund, good drainage had better.

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但由于麻黄草在品种、土壤条件、气候及其他方面的差异,导致其物料特性也有较大的差别。Ephedras ' material characteristics are different because of the factor of variety, edaphic condition, climate and others.

土壤微生物受到地上植物、土壤地球化学元素以及电池等污染物质的影响。Soil microbes are influenced by aboveground vegetation, soil geochemical elements and edaphic pollutants such as battery waste.

模式对土壤水分传导和恢复过程的参数化引入了一些改进。To better simulate this process, the authors apply some reasonable modifications to the parameterization of edaphic process too.

多沙河流的改道,对地表特征不同的自然区的水、土环境造成的影响有较大的区别。Impacts of sandy rivers on water and edaphic environments vary significantly according to the surface features of the areas in question.

计算分析了挖沟机在受到牵引力、海流力、土壤阻力等多种载荷作用下的可靠性。Computing and analyzing the reliability of ditch digger under many loads, such as the pull, the drag of ocean current and the edaphic drag.

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豹皮花对土壤要求不高,培养土一般壤土加粗沙或沙土即可,不必加入过多的腐殖质。Leopard skin flower is not tall to edaphic requirement, general loam adds training ground nor sandy soil can, need not join overmuch humus.

用同位素D_2O和KCL作示踪物,在间断灌水的条件下,追踪了D_2O和阴、阳离子在土柱中移动的动态。Under the conditions of uninterrupted irrigation D_2O and KCL as the tracers traced the kinesis of D_2O, positive and negative ions in the edaphic column.

提出,应根据植物耐盐性,因地制宜选择种植,并依据植物生长异常时的土壤各种盐分指标指导生产。It pointed out that should according the salt endurance to select the variety, and it should according the all kinds of edaphic salinity which of botanic excrescence to guide production.

森林景观受干扰后的次生演替、人工林种植与农业耕作等在许多方面影响着土壤性质的变化。What silvan landscape suffers interference hind is secondary succession, artificial forest grow the change that waits to affecting edaphic quality in a lot of respects with agricultural cultivation.