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我敢打赌,钟满是双向飞碟。I bet, bell full skeet.

还有我爸,站在屋顶上,用我妈的富兰克林珍藏版碗碟玩双向飞碟射击。And my Dad's on the roof skeet shooting her Franklin Mint collectible plates.

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这是奥运会史上女选手第一次战胜男选手获得混合双向飞碟冠军。This is the first time in Olympic history that a woman won the mixed skeet title.

在四年后的亚特兰大,双向飞碟射击被分成男子和女子两个类别。Four years later in Atlanta, skeet shooting was divided into men's and women's categories.

双向运动员在同一靶位上打完最后一个或唯一的单靶后,将有最多15秒的时间叫双靶。Skeet shooter is permitted a maximum of 15 seconds to call for the double after shooting the last or only single on the same station.

2008年8月16日,在男子双向飞碟决赛中,美国选手文森正在比赛,文森最终获得了金牌。Vincent Hancock of the United States competes during Mens Skeet Final of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Shooting event in Beijing, China, Aug. 16, 2008.

从我们的专家了解如何从事先进的目标,在站场的双向飞碟射击五低的房子在这个自由的教学视频。Learn from our expert how to engage the low house target at station five of the skeet field in this free instructional video on advanced target shooting.

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分七个等级测试射击技能。飞靶射击、走廊射击、靶子射击和最终真人实际枪战。Seven different levels to test shooting skills. Skeet shooting, gallery shooting, target shooting, quick-draw and a final shoot-out with bad guys and all.

了解有关如何参与在双向飞碟场站的七个目标低房子上先进的目标在这个自由的教学视频拍摄一些专家提示。Learn some expert tips on how to engage the low house target at station seven of the skeet field in this free instructional video on advanced target shooting.

一次射失使双向飞碟射击好手马特和多向飞碟射击明星杰伊失去了奖牌争夺权,而中国的张山和捷克斯洛伐克的赫尔德利卡分别捧金。One missed target took skeet shooter Matt and trap star Jay out of medal contention as China's Zhang Shan and Czechoslvakia's Hrdlicka took gold respectively.

从事获取有关目标的先进台站的双向飞碟领域的专家针对六大高的房子在这个自由的教学视频拍摄伟大的秘诀。Get great tips on engaging the high house target at station six of the skeet field from our expert in this free instructional video on advanced target shooting.

从我们的专家观察和学习如何进行先进的目标,在双向飞碟场站的6个低房子的目标在这个自由的教学视频拍摄。Watch and learn from our expert how to engage the low house target at station six of the skeet field in this free instructional video on advanced target shooting.

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从我们的专家观察和学习如何进行先进的目标,在双向飞碟场站的7个高房子的目标在这个自由的教学视频拍摄。Watch and learn from our expert how to engage the high house target at station seven of the skeet field in this free instructional video on advanced target shooting.