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你要知道蚂蚁如何感受当你那样爬行。You must know how an ant feels, groveling like that.

这位体面的官员沉溺于多愁善感之中。Here is the pretty official groveling in sentimentality.

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你趴在地上干吗?你丢东西了?Why are you groveling in the dirt? Have you lost something?

虽然很少人知道,其实这也是低声下气的节日。Although it is not widely known, it is also the season of groveling.

现在瑞士政府又由于向利比亚领导人卡扎菲低头而受到严肃的批评。And now, the government is being criticized for groveling before leader Gadhafi.

那么,那将使我们卑躬屈膝地坐在富翁的桌子边,在他的脚下,为他的每一个奇想服务。Then that also puts us all groveling to sit at the Rich Master's table "AT HIS FEET" serving his every whim.

我不那种对老板卑躬屈膝的人,我只是作好我的工作就够了。Eg I'm not that kind of person who is always groveling to the boss. I just do my job and hope this is enough.

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你讨好女性的做法显得卑微低贱,你在不断践行男人就应该卑微地讨人欢心的可笑传说。Your attempts to impress women are really groveling and you're perpetuating the myth that guys should have to stoop to please.

相反,我们得到的是奥巴马总统最近卑躬屈膝向商业企业主导的会议厅,恳求他们聘请的工人。Instead, what we get is President Obama's recent groveling to the corporate-dominated Chamber of Commerce, pleading with them to hire workers.

最终,他的卑躬屈膝只是让他在Nucky无情拒绝他的那一刻更加羞愧,这无疑导致了两兄弟间的暴力冲突。In the end, his groveling only served to add to his humiliation when Nucky callously rejected him, and it led to the inevitable violent confrontation between the two siblings.

前一时刻你或许还在琢磨底层的位运算和指针运算,下一时刻你却去处理接近业务逻辑的抽象内容了,就这样不停地转来转去,当然很辛苦。You might be groveling around in low-level bits and pointer arithmetic, then zoom out to an abstraction that's close to the business domain. You're always bopping back and forth. That's hard.