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现在已经很难天下大乱了。Things just very rarely go haywire now.

很多美国人认为他们的司法体系已经乱套了。Many Americans think their legal system has gone haywire.

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Haywire推开门,警报声立即响起。Haywire pushes the door open and immediately the alarm sounds.

我也感觉到了,当时我的脑子里乱哄哄的,我还感到有点恶心。I sensed it too, with my emotions going haywire and the sickness.

Haywire惊叹着低声嘀咕,“那纹身是一个迷宫。”Haywire is transfixed as he whispers, “The tattoos, there’s a maze.”

我的表掉在地板上以后,就完全乱了套。Since I dropped it on the floor my watch has gone completely haywire.

Haywire吐出了药片,他对Michael说,“你说的对,这些药片使我看不到通道。”“You were right, the pills don’t let me see the pathway, ” Haywire says.

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但是当他看到一个孩子想偷他那辆新车时,他真是火冒三丈。But when he saw a kid trying to steal his new car, he really went haywire.

没有爱,一个人将走向不归路,变得凶暴、残忍。Without love a person could go haywire and also become cruel and ferocious.

在牢房里,Haywire整理着他的东西,发现他的牙膏不见了。Haywire arranges his things in the cell and notices his toothpaste has gone missing.

就像你想的那样,它确实是路径,我需要你回忆起当时你所见到的图案,Haywire,我需要你回忆起那个图案。It is a path, just like you thought. And I need you to remember when you saw it, Haywire.

Haywire从床铺下拿出了并翻阅一套素描本。Haywire pulls the sketchbook out from under the bunk and begins flipping through the pages.

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“我神经结构上有损伤,影响网状激活系统,”Haywire回答道。“I have a neuroanatomic lesion affecting my reticular activating system, ” Haywire replies.

Michael小心翼翼地走进材料房,关上了房门。Michael cautiously walks into the room and closes the door as Haywire regurgitates the pills.

Michael快速地将马桶推回原位,牢房门开了,Haywire回来了。Michael quickly pushes the toilet back to the wall as his cell door opens and Haywire returns.

爱让你有所追求,没有爱人将变得混乱不堪,残酷无情甚至凶恶残暴。Love makes you feel wanted. Without love a person could go haywire and also become cruel and ferocious.

海宁一开始懊恼采访乱了套,幸好身旁的仲文鼓励她随遇而安。Haining chagrin haywire interview at the beginning, fortunately beside ZhongWen encouraged her to settle.

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Windows团队里的工程师谎称,ClearType的显示屏在应用某些色彩的时候会出问题。Engineers in the Windows group falsely claimed it made the display go haywire when certain colors were used.

当水星出去三和半周的阶段,每12个星期,这些地区的削弱,就会失控。When Mercury goes out of phase for three-and-a-half weeks every 12 weeks, these areas weaken and go haywire.

每当首席执行官问及会议是否已经确定时,驻华高管们无不血压飙升、心如刀绞。When the CEO asks whether the meeting is confirmed, the blood pressure goes up and the stomach goes haywire.