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云遮暗了天。Clouds blacken the heavens.

烟把墙熏黑了。The smoke has blacken the walls.

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用冷水洗脸容易变黑吗?Blacken easily with cold bath face?

电波拉皮会导致皮肤「返黑」吗?。Will Thermage cause to skin to blacken?

败坏工党名誉的诽谤性造谣活动。A smear campaign to blacken the labour party.

不要玷污你的名声,不光彩地毁掉自己!Do not blacken your fame, and perish in dishonour!

他们不仅熏黑了自己,还熏黑了宝宝。They not only blacken themselves but also the baby.

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一天到晚对着电脑皮肤会变黑吗?。Can from morning till night blacken to computer skin?

翻到一个本子最中间的一页,用墨水涂黑。Flip to the middle page of a book, blacken it with ink.

你得把番茄烤到皮变黑为止。You need to grill the tomatoes until the skins blacken.

之后在其上方画出两只小眼睛并把鼻子涂黑。Mark out 2 little eyes just above it and then blacken his nose.

为什么你还要玷污你爸爸的姓氏,在这个年纪就作出了这种事?And why does you blacken your father's name like this, at your age?

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专家们认为,这或许可以解释为何中国男性如此热衷于将头发染黑。That may explain Chinese men's compulsion to blacken hair, experts say.

我不想进行人身攻击,但他们说他和一件犯罪案有牵连。I don't want to blacken his name, but they say he's involved in a crime.

但伯奈斯所做的不止是试图抹黑阿尔本斯政权But what Bernays was doing was not just trying to blacken the Arbenz regime

这张图片显示的是网状组织中的网状纤维。Here it is used to blacken the reticular fiber network of reticular tissue.

暮色的残晖正开始把上面的东西变白,下面的东西变黑。The twilight had begun to whiten what was on high and to blacken all below.

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为了他们的年轻一代,他们就将天空染黑,恐吓热带雨林。For the sake of their young, they will blacken the skies, and terrorize rainforest floras.

小红翅膀们每次都要展开3英尺宽,他们的离开染黑了天空。The little reds wings spreading 3 feet tip to tip, blacken the skies with their departure.

消除纸质文档上隐私信息的一个方法是用笔涂黑。One way to remove private information from paper documents is to blacken it out with a pen.