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一头羚羊顽固的游弋向一个小水塘,水塘的附近扎着一顶游客的帐篷。An oryx cruised doggedly toward a water hole at a nearby tourist camp.

原产于阿拉伯半岛的大羚羊,是一种大型羚羊,头上有两个长角。The Arabian oryx is a large antelope with two long horns, native to the Arabian Peninsula.

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迈克尔森,赫伯特,怎样在作品和发表工程文件并且报告,非洲大羚羊压,1990。Michaelson, Herbert, How to Write & Publish Engineering Papers and Reports, Oryx Press, 1990.

当这些阿拉伯大羚羊的数量一直成长时,它们吸引了偷猎者来生擒它们,并把它们贩售到阿曼以外的地区。But as the number of Oryx grew, they attracted more poachers who tried to catch them alive for sale outside Oman.

剑羚属于牛科的动物,双脚纤细,适宜在平野上奔跑跳跃。The Oryx is classified in the buffalo family. With slender legs, they are the athletes in the fields on the terraces.

一个国际保护组织称,拯救稀有沙漠动物阿拉伯大羚羊的努力取得了重大成功。An international conservation group says efforts to save a rare desert animal known as the Arabian oryx have been a major success.

Samburu国家公园的动物看管员周一发现这只母狮子竟然和一只刚出生四、五天名叫“复活节”的小羚羊待在一起。Game wardens at Samburu National Park said Monday they had found the lioness with a four or five-day-old oryx called Easter Saturday.

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小羚羊走到它母亲的身边,开始吮吸乳汁,大概过了三分钟,母狮子朝它们走去,羚羊妈妈就被吓跑了。The calf went to its mother and started suckling for about three minutes then the lioness ran toward them and the mother oryx ran away.

在阿拉伯诗歌和绘画中,阿拉伯羚羊频繁地化身为独角兽,因为从侧面看,它那一对长长的羚角,好似合二为一。A frequent muse for Arabic poetry and paintings, the Arabian oryx resembles a unicorn in profile, when its two long horns appear to fuse into one.

壮,但是由于跟在狮妈妈身边缺少食物,第二只被收养的小羚羊已经被看管员从母狮子身边带走。Wardens said the latest adoptee looked well and strong. Oryx number two was taken away from the lioness after its condition deteriorated from lack of food.

这一地区的稀有动物包括最大的自由阿拉伯羚羊群。野生的这种羚羊在1972年就已经灭绝了,但1982年又被引进到这里。Its rare fauna includes the first free-ranging herd of Arabian oryx since the global extinction of the species in the wild in 1972 and its reintroduction here in 1982.

最先被收养的那只小羚羊则没有这么幸运,在它被“狮妈妈”收养两周后的一天,一只饥饿的雄狮子趁“狮妈妈”打盹的间隙,将这只小羚羊变成了自己的盘中美味。Oryx number one was not so lucky. The lioness managed to protect it for two weeks before a hungry male lion with a traditional diet seized the baby while the lioness was napping.