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我们在对待房客的问题上意见不一。We are at variance about our lodger.

“你好大胆哪!”房客说道。"how dare you then, " said the lodger.

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我朋友是我叔叔家的房客。My friend is a lodger in my uncle's house.

要是别人问起来,我们只能说她是“一个租客”。We were all told to say that she was a lodger.

房东陪者新房客在看屋子。The Landlord was showing a new lodger the rooms.

房客根本没付房租就溜走了。The lodger has decamped with paying nothing at all.

你这客房倒更像是我家庭中的一员。You've been more like one of the family than a lodger.

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房客与房东见面之后,将剩余的房租付齐。After lodger and landlord meet, fu Qi of the rest chummage.

小偷打算把偷来的手表栽赃给同住的房客手上。The thief had planned to plant the stolen watch on a fellow lodger.

如果你有多余的房间,把它利用起来——收一位房客。If you have a spare room, put it to work for you – take in a lodger.

为了解决这一问题,我想给出如下的建议。To address this problem, I would like to lodger several suggestions.

“是个新来的房客,”老奶奶说,“我们这里又多一个人了。”"It was a new lodger who has come into the house," said the old woman.

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她的房客写的这本书是神圣的,是个友谊的象征,冲淡了他曾做过洗衣工这一事实给她的打击。A sacred thing was this book her lodger had made, a fetich of friendship.

我们是朋友,并且他告诉我他需要一个合租者来得到额外的报酬。We were friends and he said he needed a lodger for the extra money. I agreed.

他们打算把阁楼做成一个出租的卧室来添补家用。The family is planning to use the loft area as an extra bedroom for a lodger to raise money.

由于入住的是考生,宾馆只是酌收了部分费用。As the lodger is a student coming for an exam, the hotel charges him only partially, at its discretion.

房间钥匙随身携带,不方便携带时,可交值班室代为保管,不能转交他人。Room keys should be kept with the lodger or in the Duty Room. Keys should not be given to non-residents.

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冉阿让时期的那个“二房东”已经死了,接替她的是个同一类型的家伙。The "principal lodger" of Jean Valjean's day was dead and had been replaced by another exactly like her.

陪宿事宜最终由部门经理决定。每位病人仅可一人陪宿。Lodgers accommodation is at the discretion of the Unit Manager. Only one lodger per patient is permitted.

诸县投票权准则与1867年市镇业主和住户投票权看齐5brought the franchise in the counties into line with the 1867 householder and lodger franchise for boroughs