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现在,挑战书已经抛出。And so the gauntlet is now thrown down.

挑战书,并答应与他决斗。He threw down the gauntlet and I accepted his challenge.

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较优越的温暖的外套袖口扩展笞刑密封。Extended gauntlet seals over jacket cuff for superior warmth.

但是前一天,参议院对中国发起了挑战。But the previous day the Senate threw down the gauntlet to China.

因此,微软,苹果已经开始闪存的挑战。你下一步的行动是什么?So, Microsoft, Apple's thrown down the flash-based gauntlet. What's your next move?

现在回去改下户口本,下战书再办理还来得及。Now go back and change under the account book, down the gauntlet for them to apply too late.

几百万只幼小的虾虎鱼正溯溪而上,但它们会在低地先遭受层层的攻击。Millions of young goby fish head upstream, but they must first run the gauntlet of the lowlands.

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他的右手上套着龙虾钢的护手,左边则是露指的锈铠。On his right hand was a gauntlet of lobstered steel, on his left a fingerless mitt of rusted mail.

被人流向不同的方向挤来挤去,举目所见到处是货物,滋味很不好受。It was like running the gauntlet being pulled in every direction and having goods thrust in your face.

政府提出这个时候选举,以此向反对党挑战。By calling the election at this time,the government has flung down the gauntlet to the opposing parties.

我们已接受挑战,正使用廉价的材料重新设计产品,以降低价格与我们的竞争者抢生意。We have taken up the gauntlet and are redesigning the product using cheaper materials to undercut our competitors.

再比如名人向全球同行下战书挑起价格战的免费传播等等。For instance celebrity to a global peer down the gauntlet to provoke a price war, and so on the free dissemination.

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在魔法交织的夜空下,红方的战士们像旋风一样横扫整个竞技场,至少这极大的打击了对方的士气。The thought of navigating the gauntlet between two big, red warriors using whirlwind is discouraging to say the least.

护手由纯科托西斯金属打造,可使接触到的光剑剑刃失效长达数分钟。The gauntlet was composed of pure cortosis, rendering any lightsaber blade that touched it useless for several minutes.

随着这些测试的完成,波音787正在为下一阶段的中期挑战测试作准备。Following completion of these tests, the 787 is now being prepared for the next phase which is the intermediate gauntlet.

幸运的是,三月中旬有6场都是主场,这会让这两个星期稍微好过些。Fortunately there's a six-game home stand stuck in the middle of the March gauntlet that makes those two weeks tolerable.

季前赛开始的时候温格就没收了四位门将的手套,并公开声称主力门将的位置要公开招标了。At the start of pre-season the manager laid down the gauntlet to his four stoppers, stating that the place was up for grabs.

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牙买加主要游轮景点奥乔里奥斯湾有丰富多彩的工艺品店、小食店和廉价酒店。Ocho Rios, the country's prime cruise ship destination, is a gauntlet of colorful craft shops, food stands, and juke joints.

热那亚的中场指挥官阿尔贝托。萨帕特尔开始向尤文图斯宣战。并告诉媒体,他将尽全力击败对手。Genoa's midfield general Alberto Zapater has thrown down the gauntlet to Juventus, telling the Italian Press he wants to beat them.

今年春天毕业于大连理工大学软件工程专业的雷思雨,决心要背水一战。Lei Siyu, who graduated from the Dalian University of Technology in the spring with a degree in software engineering, beat the gauntlet.