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私刑,这是一个暴徒!That is a lynching mob!

我觉得自己整一个私刑受害者。I feel I have been the victim of a lynching.

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对DSK近乎滥用私刑式的审判羞辱了法国。The judicial near lynching of DSK humiliated France.

时任纽约市市长的埃德•科克把这次致死事件比作了私刑处死。Ed Koch, who was then New York's mayor, compared the death to a lynching.

近日,在肯尼亚首都内罗毕一家五金商店外,发生了一场私刑。LYNCHING took place recently outside an ironmonger's shop in Nairobi, Kenya's capital.

甚至在谢巴德被人用私刑处死之后,怀俄明州也没能通过反仇视罪法。Even Wyoming failed to pass hate-crime legislation in the wake of the Shepard lynching.

出现新的混乱,包括奇异的历史色彩的疯狂和私刑在过去的350年。New confusions arise, including strange historical overtones of madness and a lynching 350 years in the past.

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一切“私刑”和非法拘禁都是据此产生的,而且往往能够获得许多人的支持。All the "lynching" and illegal detention of which are generated, and often able to obtain the support of many people.

他们在电视剧网站公告栏中纷纷留言指责称“连私刑属于非法行为的常识都不知道,还怎么写剧本?”Website bulletin boards in the TV series they have a message accusing the "lynching is illegal even common sense do not know, but also how to write the script?"

以色列特使反驳称,运送救助物资的船上的积极分子疯狂袭击,企图冲破封锁线,士兵为了自卫被迫还击。Israel's envoy retorted that the soldiers responded in self-defence when activists on board the aid vessels violently attacked with the intention of lynching them.

城市孟买看到的人间悲剧发生,每天死亡的枪,挥舞着瓦杰帕伊青年一天和私刑的印度北部劳动者在火车上的。The city of Mumbai sees human tragedies unfold every day, death of a gun-wielding Bihari youth on one day and lynching of a north Indian labourer in train on the other.