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谁会想到这些宽腿牛仔裤可以变成如此时尚的东西?Who knew wide legs could be turned into something so couture?

兰迪·科裘饰演托尔·罗德,敢死队员,爆破专家。Randy Couture as Toll Road, an Expendable and demolitions expert.

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经典爱情故事不一定需要华服!A classic love story doesn't always require a couture wedding gown!

我不知道如何现成的服装或时装设计师可以下来了。I don't know how ready-to-wear or couture designers can make a go of it.

游牧主义和部落文化在优雅风格和服饰心态上产生了碰撞。Nomadism and tribal culture collides with chic style and couture mentality.

时至今日,李维斯牛仔裤已经逐渐演变成一种举世公认的高级时装。Today, Levi's jeans have evolved into a world-recognized form of haute couture.

1961年的时候,他离开了迪奥品牌并于62年的时候创办了自己的时装店,由伯格管理财务。He left Dior in 1961 and opened his own couture house, financed by Berge, in 1962.

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1908年,珍妮·朗万为她的女儿玛格丽特建立了与她同名的服装设计室。In 1908, Jeanne Lanvin founded her eponymous couture house for daughter Marguerite.

这种款式叫做“维克多和罗尔佛超现实礼服",我将它叫作"流行女装的疯狂".These are Viktor and Rolf Surrealist Gowns, that's what I call haute couture craziness.

在1968年,巴黎世家关闭了他的服装的房子,留下了很深的恐慌的他最喜欢的客户。In 1968, Balenciaga closed his couture house, to the deep dismay of his favourite clients.

希望贵方提供秋季系列女装的进一步资料。We would like to receive additional information about your haut couture Autumn Collection.

夏奈尔是法国服装设计师,她主宰巴黎高级女式时装长达近60年。Chanel was the French dress designer who ruled over Parisian haute couture for nearly 60 years.

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她新鲜的广受欢迎的高级时装展,看到她绊倒是令人失望的。She's fresh off a well-received haute couture show, so it was disappointing to see her stumble.

具体来说,我需要一个网页设计师谁成时尚女装,有一个眼睛和设计才华。Specifically, I need a web designer who is into couture fashion, has an eye and flair for design.

昂贵的衣服通常都是以让你看起来像能买起高级时装的贵族为设计理念的。Expensive clothing is generally designed to make you look like an aristocrat who can afford couture.

这是英国高级时装之家,如果你是时尚达人,这是必行之地。This is the home of British Haute Couture and this is the place to come if you are fashion conscious.

皮尔卡丹已经成为全世界家喻户晓的名字,他所经营的产品从时装到闹钟,一应俱全。Cardin has become a household name on products around the world from couture clothing to alarm clocks.

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今年在阿玛尼的巴黎时装秀上一位模特如是说,美丽就是种诅咒。It's a curse, ' a model told me backstage at the Armani Prive couture show in Paris earlier this year.

对女士而言,最好有一本女装顶级设计师全明星的花名册在手边。For the ladies, an all-star roster of couture designers is on hand, from Alexander McQueen to Zac Posen.

液体培养基培养试管苗植株生长势强,移栽后缓苗快,成活率高。The seedling with liquid couture grew stronger, regrew quickly after transplanting and survived with higher rate.